第一部 Section 1 Flashcards
Meaning: as; in the capacity of
Example: I’m using this room as a storeroom.
He said it merely as a joke.
Meaning: as ~ / for ~
Example: For japanese steak, this is pretty tasty.
For a first year student, Miki is good in English.
A.) with (someone) 〜一緒に
B.) as well as 〜である同時に
C.) two things going simultaneously
A.) お正月は家族とともに過ごしたい。
B.) 小林氏は、学生をしどうするとともに、研究にも力を入れている。He is studying hard as well as teaching students.
C.) 年をとるとともに、体力が衰える。As we grow older, we get weaker.
at / in / on
The meeting is held in the first meeting room.
〜に応じて [おうじて] /〜応じ/〜に応じた
Meaning: accordance with, depending on, following (something), refer to ( something)
Example: exercise according to your fitness level
季節に応じて、体の色を変えるウサギがいる。Some rabbits change their color depending on the season.
A.) substitute for [something]
B.) substitute a person for a person
A.) ここでは、人間にかわってロボットが作業をしている。In the factory, robots are a substitute for humans.
B.) 父にかわって、私が結婚式に出席しました。I went to the wedding ceremony instead of my father.
〜に比べて/〜に比べ [くらべて]
Meaning: compare to
Compared to my older bother, my younger brother studies more.
Meaning: following; in accordance with; as ~, accordingly
Example: As our income increases, our expenditure increase accordingly.
高く登るにしたがって、見晴(みは)らしがよくなった。As you climb higher, the view becomes better.
Meaning: as; in proportion to; with とともに; に伴って; に従って; と一緒に
Example: As I ate, my headache improved.
As I ate, my head got better.
Meaning: toward; to; in contrast to; whereas; in regard to
Example: Up until now, Japan has taken a closed policy toward foreign countries.
お客様に対して失礼なことを言ってはいけません。Don’t be rude to the customer.
Meaning: about [something]
コンピューターの使い方についての本がほしい。I want a book about how to use computers.
Meaning: to; for ~から見た, from a person’s point of view.
Example: The problem for Tarou is that he doesn’t understand English.
この写真はわたしにとって、何よりも大切なものです。To me this picture is very special.
~に伴って ([にともなって]
Meaning: as; in proportion to; with
Example: The number of problems related to the sale of pets has been increasing with the recent pet boom.
人工が増えるに伴って、いろいろな問題が起こってきた。As the population becomes bigger there are more problems.
Meaning: A.) by B.) because of [something] C.) with/by [something] D.) depending on [something] E.) depending on [situation]
A.) アメリカ大陸はコロンブスによって発見された。The American continent was found by Columbus.
B.)不注意によって大事故が起こることもある。Because of carelessness, sometimes big accidents occur.
C.)問題が話し合いによってかいけつした方がいい。This problem should be solved by talking with each other.
D.)習慣(しゅうかん)は国によって違う。Customs are different from country to country.
E.)この薬は人によってはふくさようが出ることがあります。Depending on the person, the side effects might be different.
~によると / ~によれば
Meaning: reference by / according to (ex. book, person, etc.)
天気予報によると、あしたは雨が降るそうです。According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
~を中心に [をちゅうしんに]
Meaning: center of, in the middle of
Example: the center of our discussion
駅を中心にたくさんの商店が集まっている。There are many shops in the center of the station.
~を問わず [をとわず]
Meaning: regardless (of), it doesn’t matter
Example: Regardless of age,…..
Meaning: not only, but also starting with
*the start of something with something related occurring after.
~をもとに / ~をもとにして
Meaning: based on