Section 1 Flashcards
Provides support to the CSARTF against airborne threats
Rescue combat air patrol
Used for long range, low level, day/night marginal weather operations into hostile environments to recover distressed or isolated personnel
Recovery vehicles
Often an overlooked task by combat air forces but an important task, begins when the rescue forces relinquish physical control of the isolated personnel
Provides navigation assistance, route clearing, and armed escort, protects the RV from ground-based and low-flying threats
Rescue escort
Coordinates and controls the flying mission of forces designated to support a specific CSAR operation, serves as communications and data relay between a survivor, rescue forces, and higher headquarters
Airborne mission commander
The sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to prepare for and execute the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel
Personnel recovery
Controls all assets assigned to the PR effort, expert in conducting CSARTF missions, primarily highly trained A-10 pilots
Rescue mission commander
Initiates rescue efforts in the objective area until trained rescue forces arrive. Locates, authenticates, and isolates the survivor
On scene commander
AF contribution to TAGS and consists of units specifically trained and equipped to plan, coordinate, control, and execute aerospace operations
Theater air control system
Directly subordinate to the CRC. Located near the forward edge of the battle arena. Provides early warning of approaching enemy aircraft, highly mobile
Deplorable Radars/ control reporting elements
Organization where such placement is relatively temporary
Attached forces
Commands a subordinate joint task force sets the overall objective for JTF and exercises OPCON and TACON over assigned and attached forces
Joint force commander
Description of how forces organized and employment of air, space, and cyberspace forces. Develops the framework through which we execute tactical doctrine
Operational doctrine
Command authority over assigned or attached forces, limited to specific control of movements
Tactical control
Collocated with army maneuver elements. Advises ground commanders on the capabilities and limitations of aerospace power. Provides terminal air control
Tactical air control party
Authority to perform those functions of command involving organizing and employing forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving direction over all aspects of military operations
Combatant command authority
Made up of fundamental and enduring beliefs. Provides broad and continuing guidance on how forces are organized, employed, equipped, and sustained
Basic doctrine
Military services unique process to accomplish air to ground operations
Theater air to ground systems
Centralized control of operations. Charged with effective execution of the current ATO
Combat operations division
Principal air control agency responsible for centralized execution of immediate CAS and assault support missions. Collocated with the senior fire support coordination center
Direct air support center
Responsible for airspace controls in the Army’s area of operation
Army airspace command and control
Plans, coordinates, and directs aerospace operations for land forces. Operates the Air Force air request net
Air support operations center
Fundamental principles that guide the employment of US military forces
Joint Doctrine
Authority exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of combatant command
Operational Control