Section 1 Flashcards
What are the charactersitics of the World Games?
- Bringing elite players/performers to decide worlds no. 1
- Can be multi-sport or single sport
- National pride at stake
- Develop national pride
- Pre-qualification required
- Amateur and professional
- Able bodied and disabled performers
- High level of commercialisation
- Social benefits e.g. olympic spirit
- Opening and closing ceremonies
- High quality facilities
- Lots of volunteers
- World-wide coverage
What is the impact of the world games on an individual?
- Motivates the performer to do their best
- Provides chance to compete against the best
- Make money and become a professional
- Pride and satisfaction
- Meet expectations of peers. family and coaches
- Live up to role models
- National pride
What sacrifices does an individual have to make to go to the world games?
- Social life
- Career plans
- Reduced education
- Starting a family
- Move away from friends and family
Why may an individual not reach elite level?
- Lack self discipline
- Not a sufficient level of motivation
- Lack of financial, coaching or technical support
- Injury
What is the cultural impact of the world games on the country?
- International respect
- Shows their system of running a country is effective
- Success effects mood of the country
- Described in the media
What is the social impact of the world games on a country?
- International success unites the country
- Society comes together
- Society is behind their team
What are the economic effects of world games on a country?
- Inward financial investment
- Tourism
- Develops sports facilities
- Increase participation
- Infrastructure development
- Regional regeneration
What are the problems facing a country of hosting a world games?
- Make a financial loss
- Facilities might not be in the right area so may not be used
- International press highlights flaws/controversy
- Terrorist attacks
What are the advantages of the world games to a government?
- Increase status
- Promotes social inclusion
- Improves cultural relationships
- Improve participation, health and fitness
What are the disadvanatages of the world games to the government?
- Businesses/homeowners may have to relocate
- Overcrowding and distruption to everyday life
- High costs/debts
- Terrorism
What are the 4 stages to The Sport Development Continuum?
- Foundation
- Participation
- Performance
- Excellence
Describe the foundation stage of the sports development continuum.
- Early development of sporting competence and physical skills on which all later forms of sport development are based.
- Without a sound foundation, young people are unlikely to become long-term sports participants.
Describe the participation stage of the sports development continuum.
Sport being primarily undertaken for fun and enjoyment, at basic levels of competence.
Describe the performance stage of the sport development continuum.
- Sport moving from more basic competence into a more structured form of competitive sport
- At club or county level
- Implies regular training and coaching
- A desire to win competitions and progress
Describe the excellence stage of the sports development continuum.
Performers at the highest national and international level
What are the psychological factors influencing progression from 1 level of the sports development continuum to another?
- Highly competitve
- Confidence
- Focus
- Willingness to train
- Commitement and sacrifice
- Mental toughness
What are the physiological factors influencing the progession from 1 level of the sports development continuum to another.
- Injury free
- Muscle fibres
- HIgh pain threshold
- Natural ability
- High levels of health and fitness
- Somatotype/body composition
What are the cultural and social factors required to support progression from participation to performance?
- Family
- Status of elite sport within their family or community
- School
- Financial/socio-economic status
- Country’s willingness/resources
- Infrasturcture
- Media exposure
- Barriers to progression (gender, race, disability etc.)
- Anti-discrimination policies
- Friendships
- Education
What is the role of UK sport?
- Encourage/develop higher standards of sporting excellence
- ID sports policies
- Reduce red tape
- Develop and deliver grant programmes
- Policy on sport science, medicine, drug control, coaching
- Overall responsibility for development of elite sport in the UK
What is the purpose of UK sport?
- Develop elite athletes
- Doping - testing etc.
- Attracts major events
- Funds athletes and medical services
Who is UK sport funded by?
Government and national lottery
Who is the World Class Performance Pathway directed by?
UK sport and National Institutes of Sport
What is the focus of the World Class Performance Pathway?
Olympic and paralympic sports and non-olympic sports in England.
What are the 3 levels of the World Class Performance Pathway?
- World Class Podium
- World Class Development
- World Class Talent
Describe the World Class Podium stage?
Supports sports with real medal capabilities at the NEXT olympics. (4 years)
What are the social factors required to support progression from participation to performance?
- Family
- Status of elite sport within their family or community
- School
- Financial/socioeconomic status
- Friendships
- Education
What are the cultural factors required to support progression from participation to performance?
- Country’s willingness/resources
- Infrastructure
- Media exposure
- Barriers to progression
- Anti-discrimination policies
Describe the World Class Development stage?
Designed to support the stage of the pathway beneath the podium. (6 years)
Describe the World Class Talent stage?
Identification and confirmation of athletes who have potential to progress through the World Class Performance Pathway (8 years)
What is the role of the English Institute of Sport?
- Nationwide network of support services for athletes that include
- Sport science and medicine
- Physiological, biomechanical, medical and nutritional advice
- Performance analysis
- Supplementary career advice
What do performance lifestyle programmes offer?
Career and educational advice
How do performers recieve support from the EIS?
They are nominated via their NGB and will normally be within the world class programme.
Who is the EIS funded by?
Sport England with lottery funding and is grant aided by UK sport
What is the purpose of the EIS?
Development of elite sports and elite athletes in England
What is the role of NGBs?
- They are in charge of the sport
- Rule over decisions based on the structure, discipline and rules etc.
- Develop coaching and participation through initiatives and sponsorship
- Meet sport participation and equity targets as contained within their whole sport plan
- Develop accessible club structure
- Provide competition structure
- Develop TIPs
- Develop coaching structure and qualifications for coaches
- Manage representative teams and entries into international competitions
What is the purpose of NGBs?
To qualify for sport england funding, an NGB must produce a whole sport plan.
Shows how they’re going to increase participation and success.
Success of the plan is measured against KPIs
What is the role of sport england?
- To focus exclusivley on sport and participation for sports sake
- To provide a seamless pathway from school to community to elite levels of performance
- Assess NGBs whole sport plan for funding
- Creating a sporting habit for life
- Facilities
- Funding: local investment
- The School Games
- Coaching for young people
What is the purpose of sport england?
Increase the number of people who play sports regularly and reduce the number of young people wo stop playing when they finish school
What is the role of sports coach uk?
- World class coaching strategy
- UK coaching certificate
- Advanced coach development
- Officers to develop elite coaches
- Resources for coaches
What is the purpose of Sports Coach UK?
- Enhance the quality of coaching at all stages
- Provide active, skilled and qualified coaches to meet demand
- Sustained and increased participation
What is the role of the BOA?
- Independent voice for British Olympic Sport
- Manages Britains olympic team’s prior to and during the summer and winter games
- Responsible for developing the olympic movement and spreading the olympic message throughout the UK
What is the role of the national lottery?
Major source of funding for elite performer development, supporting performers’ quests for global success.
What is the purpose of the National Lottery?
- Funds the WCP
- Provides finance to support warm weather training, living costs and the APA
- Funds top levekl training and competition facilities
- Funds bids to attract makor sporting events to the UK
What is the role of Sports Aid?
Charitable organisation that recieves money from individual donations and fundraising events
What is the purpose of Sports Aid?
- Funds amateur up-and-coming performers
- Supported by NGBs
- Not in reciept of lottery funding
- 12-18 year olds