Section 1 Flashcards
Print Awareness
The understanding that printed text carries meaning
Letter awareness
The understanding that letters are representative of sounds
Book awareness
The understanding of how books work, such as reading from left to right
Word awareness
The recognition of individual words as distinct units of language
Concepts about print
The understanding of how printed materials such as books are structured
phonological awareness
the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds of spoken language
phonemic awareness
a subset of phonological awareness and specifically refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate individual phonemes (speech sounds) in spoken words
the initial consonant or consonant cluster of a syllable that comes before the vowel sound
the part of a syllable that consists of the vowel sound and any consonant sounds that follow it
a speech sound produced by obstructing the flow of air through the vocal tract
a speech sound produced without significant constriction or closure of the vocal tract
consonant sounds produced by one push of breath and then stopping the air, including /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, and /g/
consonant sounds produced with the nasal passage open, allowing air to escape through the nose, including /n/, /m/, and /ng/
consonant sounds produced by forcing air through a narrow opening or passage in the vocal tract, creating friction, this includes /f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /sh/, /zh/, and /th/
consonant sounds that begin as stops but are released as fricatives, which involves a brief stoppage of airflow followed by a slow release with friction, such as the sounds /ch/ and /j/
consonant sounds that glide immediately into vowels, which includes /h/, /w/, and /y/
consonant sounds characterized by a partial closure of the vocal tract, allowing for the relatively free flow of air, like /l/ and /r/