Section 1 Flashcards
What is jahodas way of defining mental health
- having good self esteem
- personal growth and self actualisation
- an accurate perception of reality
- autonomy
- mastery of the environment
Mental health continuum: healthy
Normal sleep patterns
Consistent performance
Physical and socially active
Lowered energy
Significantly disrupted sleep
Avoidance of social situation
High levels of anxiety
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
Prevalence of mental health (3)
- 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental heath issues
- 1 in 4 British adults have been diagnosed with mental heath disorder
- 1 in 10 British children have been clinically diagnosed with mental health issues
Prevalence of mental health by sex
more woman have
- anxiety
- depression
- phobias
- panic disorder
- ocd
Which group of people are at risk for mental health issues
Why are the LQBTQ people more at risk of mental health issues
What is incidence
Measure the number of new cases in a time period
Why is it difficult to track incidence
Not all mental health problems are recorded or diagnosed
The symptoms to diagnose mental health can change overtime
Many trends rely on self report survey which may not be accurate
What is the icd
International classification of disease
What is a stigma
Strong sense of disproval for something
How did they try to reduce stigma against mental health 1900
Changed illness to health
Avoid outdated words like insanity lunacy and madness
What was the mental heath act in 1959
It made sure that people with psychiatric illnesses were treated the same as people with physical illnesses
Making the local council responsible for the social care of people with mental health problems who did not need in-patient medical treatment
The media began Braking the taboo of silence
Publish and writing articles on various conditions
The idea of openness
The charity mind campaigned for people with mental health issues
They argued that they were detained and treated against their will
Rise in community care for those who have mental health issues
Poorly funded
Self fulfilling prophecy
When an individual behaves in a way an assumption about them expects them too
To treat people differently based on a perceived issue or problem
Significant mental heath problems in law
Equality act 2010 protects disabled people from unfair treatment
E.g. reasonable accommodations ant work
Protects them from discrimination at school or homw
What is care In the community
Administering health and social care outside the hospital and treating them in there homes
Societies attitudes to mental health
Rise in care in the community means that people are more likely to interact with people who have mental heath issues and break down prejudice
However due to stigmatisation it can lead to more conflict
What is schizophrenia
A disorder where the individual loses touch with reality
Clinical characteristics of schizophrenia
Disorganised speech
Negative symptoms