Secret Garden Flashcards
Starala sa o dievca.
She took care of a girl.
Ona bola chorlave dieta
She was a sickly child.
Nepodajne zlte vlasy
Stringy yellow hair. (ˈstriNGē)
Sefovala sluhom.
She was bossing the servants. (ˈsərvənts)
Sebecké a zle naladené dievča
Selfish and bad-tempered girl ( bed temped)
Odist stade to
Get out of here
Hneď mi pošli Evu.
You send Evu to me at once.
Žena vyzerala ustráchane
Woman looked afraid
Dnes nepride.
She won’t be coming today.
Bez ohľadu na to( nezalezi na tom), ako veľmi vrieskala a kričala
No matter how much she screamed ( skrimd) and shouted ( šautid)
In the afternoon
Máte dosť ignorovania
Fed up with being ignored
Vykopala jamu a vytrhla burinu
She dug hole and pulled weeds ( wids)
Predstierala, že sadila ruže
She pretended to plant roses
Stali. (V minulosti)
They stood.
Sedela oprot o kmen stromu.
She sat against the tree trunk.
Nehybne stala
She kept still.
Pred dvoma tyzdnami.
Two weeks ago