Second Test Flashcards
What are the three components of human orientation?
- Visual Systems
- Proprioception
- Vestibular System
How much of orientation depends on vision?
90% of orientation information comes from eyes
What are the two systems of vision?
– Focal Vision – (the What)
– Ambient or Peripheral Vision (the Where)
Where are your visual blind spots?
Day blind spot: Off Center
Night blind spot: Central to both eyes
Undetected movement occurs at what rate?
3 degrees
What is effective scanning?
- Move eyes in increments - focus in “blocks” – 60 degrees left/right & 10 degrees up/down
- Side-to-side
- Front-to-side
- Instruments
- Each stop should be 1 or 2 seconds
What is autokinesis?
- Single lights in low light conditions are difficult for the eye to perceive
How do you defeat autokinesis?
- Don’t stare at single-point objects/lights
- Use diamond-pattern scan
- 15 degrees to right, top, left, bottom of object (off-center scan)
- Helps stabilize stars, ground lights, etc
Loss of engine power in IMC directly over an airport requires you to do a spiraling descent. ATC directs you to a new heading, which requires you to maintain your current altitude and hold your current heading, while in IMC.
What would you feel?
What illusion?
- Stopping the spiral creates the illusion of a turn in the opposite direction
- Graveyard Spiral
While climbing through IMC you experience a catastrophic engine failure and immediately level the aircraft to identify the issues.
What sensations would you expect?
Which illusion?
- Sensation is similar to flying inverted
- Inversion Illusion
You are flying at night and a light appears to be moving toward you.
Which illusions could this be?
What circumstances need to be present for these illusions to occur?
What strategies would you use?
- Oculogyric Illusion
- Coming out of a turn at night
- Look away, trust instruments
Describe common deviations seen in black hole and overwater approaches.
Low approaches
Describe the mechanism of the hidden ridge illusion.
if rear terrain dropping, pull up!
Push-pull effect
Going from -Gz to +Gz maneuvers quickly is dangerous