Second Exam Flashcards
Selection is….
process of choosing individuals who are qualified to fill existing or projected job openings
Hits are…
accurate predictions
Misses are…
inaccurate predictions
Reliability is…
degree to which interviews , tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and other measures
Interrater reliability
agreement among two or more raters
degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a person’s attributes
Video resumes are…
short video clips that highlight applicants qualification beyond what they can communicate on their resume; bad side is that it can result in employers screening people based on looks, sexes or ethnicities
A non directive interview asks ___________ questions such as ________________ and applicant can __________. What a consequence of doing this?
broad, open-ended; “Tell me more about your experiences on your last job”; talk freely with min of interruption; Information on one applicant can be vastly different than the info gathered on another.
A structured interview has a ________ and a ________
set of standardized questions; established set of answers
A situational interview is where an applicant is given a ________
hypothetical incident and asked how he or she will respond
A behavioral description interview focuses on ___________
actual work incidents in interviewee’s past and what applicant did in response; this is better than situational interview for higher lever positions
Sequential and Panel interviews is where….
candidate is interviewed by multiple people one right after another
Video Interviews are _______
via webcam or videoconferencing; low cost and get different geographic areas; research found candidates over cam came across as less likable