Second AP Terminology Test Flashcards
Repitition of the first sounds in words in a succesion.
Ex. Sally Sold
A comparison that demonstates the similarity or similarities between two things or concepts.
Ex. Hot:Cold::Summe:Winter
Figure of speech that references an important historcal culture, person, event or subject. It assumes a certain level of background knowledge on the part of of the reader.
Ex. Handwritting on the wall
Balanced sentence
is a sentence that employs parallel structure in sentences, clauses, and phrases; used to emphasize contrast in meaning.
Ex. We remember writters because of their works, but we remember Obama works becase of who he is.
Very elaborate metaphor
Literture that has a primary purpodse of guidace, teaching, or instruction especially on ethical or religious purpose.
Ex The Ten Commandements
Literture that expresses sorrow or lamentation.
Extravagant over exagerration usually for rhetorical effect.
Ex. She is as big as a house
Harsh and abusive laguage directed at a person or cause.
Loose Sentence
Opposite of periodic sntenc; a dependnt cluse followed by an indpendentclause: Main idea first.
Non Sequitur
A statement that does not follow logic; is not clearly rlated to anything previouly stated.
Parallel Sentence
A balanced sentence in whch we find similar words , smilar tenses, and similar strctures in its phrases ( if ore than one)
The fictiona mask or vice an autho may adopt to tll a story. “A Mask” the way a person is pereived by others whch may or may notbe who tey really are.
A play on words that are usually funny.
A sharp, bitter, cuttng remarks; a kind of irony, usually in the form of words that pear to praise, but intend to insult. A form of verbal iroy in which under the guides of paise is used to insult
A precise detail
Sentence Variety
The practice of varying the length and structure of sentences to avoid monotony and prvide appropiate emphasis.
A figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole or the whole signifies a part.
Ex. All hands on deck
A phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.
Describes the author’s attitude toward his material, the audience, or both.