Season 2 : Lessons 56-60 Flashcards
he was born < to be born
nació < nacer
he played < to play (an instrument)
tocó < tocar
the violin
el violín
for the first time
por primera vez
la edad
the Netherlands
los Países Bajos
a place
un sitio
he wrote < to write
escribió < escribir
(musical) work
una obra
road under repair
carretera en obras
he died < to die
murió < morir
el hombre
un artista
US / American
most well-known
más conocido/a
el álbum
to win
a prize
un premio
a song
una canción
a record
un disco
the United Kingdom
el Reino Unido
la química
she got married < to get married
se casó < casarse
they were born < to be born
nacieron < nacer
twin children
los hijos gemelos
he/she was elected
fue elegido/a
the prime minister
la primera ministra
to carry out, execute a role
a task, a role
un cargo
to spend
la infancia
he/she was chosen
fue escogido/a
good looking
the magazine
la revista
to get divorced
a Golden Globe
un Globo de Oro
the role
el papel
a (TV) series
una serie
The t-shirt was red.
La camiseta era roja.
He was wearing a blue jacket.
Llevaba una chaqueta azul.
I was very happy.
Estaba muy contento.
He had black hair.
Tenía el pelo negro.
It was difficult to speak Spanish.
Era difícil hablar español.
After so much work we were tired.
Después de tanto trabajo estábamos cansados.
The book was very interesting.
El libro era muy interesante.
I knew he was hungry.
Sabía que tenía hambre.
I am going to travel to Mexico
voy a viajar a México
we are going to speak more Spanish
vamos a hablar más español
they are going to eat less
van a comer menos
I was going to travel to Mexico
iba a viajar a México
we were going to speak more Spanish
íbamos a hablar más español
they were going to eat less
iban a comer menos
I am going to dance all night
voy a bailar toda la noche
they are going to read the book tomorrow
van a leer el libro mañana
we live in Zaragoza but we are going to go to Córdoba during the holidays
vivimos en Zaragoza pero vamos a ir a Córdoba durante las vacaciones
they are selling the house in (the) winter
venden la casa en el invierno
I spoke Spanish with Miguel
hablé español con Miguel
last year we went to Venezuela and we saw lots (of things)
el año pasado fuimos a Venezuela y vimos muchas cosas
we went for a run/drive in the car
dimos una vuelta en coche
the two children were born in 1998
los dos niños nacieron en 1998
when I was young I played/used to play the guitar
cuando era joven tocaba la guitarra
before you used to get up early, but now you get up late
antes te levantabas temprano, pero ahora te levantas tarde
I was doing my homework when my friend arrived
hacía mis deberes cuando llegó mi amigo
when we were children we spoke/used to speak French with our grandmother, but she died in 1984 and afterwards it was more difficult
cuando éramos niños hablábamos francés con nuestra abuela, pero murió en 1984 y después era más difícil