Season 2 : Lessons 51-55 Flashcards
I am going to dance
voy a bailar
we are going to sing
vamos a cantar
they / you (plural, formal) are going to eat
van a cenar
do you have (New Year) resolutions for this year?
¿tienes buenos propósitos para este año?
what are you going to do in 2008?
¿qué vas a hacer en 2008?
to save
el dinero
I’m going to save money
voy a ahorrar dinero
el ejercicio
to do
I’m going to do more exercise
voy a hacer más ejercicio
to learn
I’m going to learn more Spanish
voy a aprender más español
I’m going to study more
voy a estudiar más
to smoke
to stop (doing something)
dejar de + infinitive
I’m going to stop smoking
voy a dejar de fumar
too much
I’m going to stop eating too much
voy a dejar de comer demasiado
I’m going to spend more time with my family
voy a dedicar más tiempo a mi familia
I’m going to improve my Spanish
voy a mejorar mi español
I’m going to get fit
voy a ponerme en forma
I’m going to have a shower
voy a ducharme OR me voy a duchar
to dance in the disco / club
bailar en la discoteca
to send a postcard to my mother
enviar una tarjeta postal a mi madre
to write a letter
escribir una carta
to play golf
jugar al golf
to spend a week of holidays in Mallorca
pasar una semana de vacaciones en Mallorca
to buy a computer
comprar un ordenador
to read a book
leer un libro
to have / throw a party
dar una fiesta
to do my homework
hacer mis deberes / tareas
to sell
to drink
to understand
to believe
to break
to learn
this house is for sale (lit: this house sells itself)
se vende esta casa
apartments are for sale / we sell apartments / you can buy apartments here (lit: apartments sell themselves)
se venden apartamentos
to open
to cover
to decide
to write
to suffer
this morning
esta mañana
during the weekend
durante el fin de semana
during the holidays
durante las vacaciones
last year
el año pasado
last week
la semana pasada
two years ago
hace dos años
three weeks ago
hace tres semanas
53-01. We spoke
53-01. hablamos
53-02. They sang
53-02. cantaron
53-03. He danced
53-03. bailó
53-04. She had a coffee
53-04. tomó un café
53-05. You (singular, informal) had dinner
53-05. cenaste
53-06. You (singular, formal) cooked
53-06. (usted) cocinó
53-07. They worked in an office yesterday
53-07. ayer trabajaron en una oficina
53-08. You (plural, informal, Spain) listened to music
53-08. escuchasteis música
53-09. she bought a newspaper
53-09. compró un periódico
53-10. I studied Spanish
53-10. estudié español
54-01. he drank a beer
54-01. bebió una cerveza
54-02. we understood (use entender)
54-02. entendimos
54-03. I sold the house
54-03. vendí la casa
54-04. they lived in Mexico (use vivir)
54-04. vivieron en México
54-05. you (plural, formal) wrote a letter (use escribir una carta)
54-05. (ustedes) escribieron una carta
54-06. you (plural, informal, Spain) shared a paella (use compartir)
54-06. compartisteis una paella
54-07. I read a book (use leer)
54-07. leí un libro
54-08. you (singular, informal) ran to the market (use correr al mercado)
54-08. corriste al mercado
54-09. we opened the window (“window” is la ventana)
54-09. abrimos la ventana
54-10. he didn’t suffer much (use sufrir)
54-10. no sufrió mucho
I give (to) my mother a book
le doy a mi madre un libro
my mother gave (to) me a book
mi madre me dio un libro
to me
to you (informal, singular)
to him/her/it : to you (formal,singular)
to us
to you (informal, plural, Spain)
to them : to you (formal, plural, Lam)