Search Sections Flashcards
Section 7
Entry without warrant place or vehicle to arrest person unlawfully at large.
Must have reasonable grounds to suspect the person is unlawfully at large and believe the person is there.
Section 8
Entry to place or vehicle without warrant to avoid loss of offender of evidential material
- must suspect offender committed offence punishable by imprisonment.
- must believe that they are there.
- if entry not effected immediately the person will leave or CADDs of EM.
Section 83
Entry to place without warrant to search for evidential material after arrest if RGTB CADDs if entry delayed to obtain a SW.
Section 84
Entry to vehicle without warrant to search for evidential material after arrest if RGTB CADDs if entry delayed to obtain a SW.
Section 121
power to stop a vehicle if you intend to search it under a SW or Warrantless power.
Section 127
Enter any place if you have RGTB a vehicle that is the target of a SW is there. Must still comply with 131 obligations when entering the place.
Section 19
If a SW is issued for an offence under the Misuse of drugs act 1975 you can search any person in the place or vehicle.
Section 121
Powers to stop a vehicle if you have authority to search it by a SW or warrant less power.
Section 127
Entry into any place to carry out a SW on a vehicle if you have RGTB it is there.
Must comply with section 131 obligations to occupants of the place.
Section 123
Items in plan view: If exercising a SW or lawfully in a place you can seize anything you have RGTB could be seized under any SW or other power.
Section 117
Power to hold and secure a place or vehicle while a SW is pending.
Must do section 131 obligations.
Hold up to 6 hours or SW approved or rejected.
Section 112
Items of uncertain status
Section 9?
Stop vehicle to arrest person unlawfully at large or who has committed an offence punishable by imprisonment.
Section 30?
Powers to create a roadblock 3R to arrest person unlawfully at large or imprisonable offence.
Section 14?
Enter place or vehicle and take any action to prevent serious offence or as emergency response to risk to life of safety.