Search Flashcards
The Third Party Doctrine
No reasonable expectation of privacy over things
voluntarily turned over to third parties (or made public)
Threshold Questions
Who is conducting the action?
- Police?
- Private Actor?
Threshold Questions
If the action is a search under the 4th Amendment, is the search reasonable?
- Based on probable cause/ supported by warrent
- Or uder one of the established exceptions to the warrant requirement
Is it Cutilage?
- Is the area so intimately tied to the house under the umbrella of 4 factors:
1. Proximity to the home
2. Area is included within the enclosure of the home
3. Nature of teh uses within the area
4. Steps to prevent the area from observation (knowingly exposing the area to the public) - Open fields doctrine
Two ways to get a search
- Reasonable expectation of privacy
- a trespass
Is it curtilage?
- put a fense around miles of land
police still able to step over fense and check out open field/woods away from home and its not a search
Home definition
sleep there for a night
Warehouse in a open field
- can look in, cannot go in
- if someone sleeps in it, it now becomes a home
common law trespass and searches
can common law trespass and have a search
Public use v. public availability of a device
public availabilty more important
2 questions to ask if it is a trespass
- is it a protected area?
- was the invasion accomplished “through physical intrusion” meaning, was the person invited/given a lisence to enter property
is it a protected area?
the home
is it a protected area?
“We therefore regard the area ‘immediately surrounding and associated with the home’ – what our cases call the curtilage – as part of the home itself for Fourth Amendment purposes”
is it a protected area?
Open Fields
even if “owned,” generally not a protected area
was the invasion accomplished “through physical intrusion;” meaning, was the person invited/given a license to enter property
“Scope of a license-express or implied-is limited not only to a particular area, but also a specific purpose”
Scope of a licesnce - express or implied is limited to
- a particular area
- a specific purpose
Collins v. Virginia (2018)
issue, holding
- Issue: Whether the automobile exception to the 4th Amendment permits the police to enter the curtilage of a home in order to search a vehicle parked therein without a warrant
- Holding: No – the automobile exception does not allow for warrantless searches of vehicles parked within the curtilage of the home
look at motorcycle in garage by pulling tarp off of it
Curtilage/Trespass relates to whther its a
search, not whether its a reasonable search
Reasonableness: Return to the rationale for the
automobile exception:
- mobility
- diminished privacy interest due to excessive regulation
If a search is under resonable expectation of privacy…
- be aware of the third party docrine
- but make sure to consider the carpender balencing test