SD Research Priority Architecture Flashcards
Marketing Executive
1) Marketing Strategy and transformation
2) marketing planning and investment
3) brand and communications
4) campaign strategy
5) content strategy
6) communicating marketing’s value
7) marketing organizational design
Demand Marketing & ABM *
1) Revenue engine optimization
2) Demand and ABM strategy and modeling
3) Real-time buyer enablement
4) Demand program design and execution
5) ABM program design and execution
6) Content for demand and ABM
7) Roles & Responsibilities and structure
Channel Marketing
1) Channel marketing strategy
2) Planning, investments, and measurement
3) Channel demand
4) Partner enablement
5) partner program design and optimization
6) Partner engagement
7) roles, responsibilities & structure
Portfolio Marketing (Product Marketing) *
1) Identifying and sizing buyer audiences
2) GTM architecture
3) Personas and buyers journey mapping
4) Portfolio messaging and content
5) Bringing offerings to market
6) Sales knowledge transfer
7) roles, responsibilities, structure
Marketing Operations *
1) Revenue engine alignment
2) Marketing measurement and analytics
3) Data management
4) Marketing Planning and budget management
5) Marketing technology
6) best in class processess and agile marketing
7) roles, responsibilities, structure
Customer Engagement
1) Business case and measurement
2) Customer lifecycle and retention
3) Customer advocacy and references
4) customer insights and analytics
5) roles, responsibilities, structure