Scrooge Key Quotes/ Themes Flashcards
What is a good quote to describe Scrooge in Stave 1: S………. , W………., G…………., C………… O… S…….
“Squeezing, wretching grasping, covetous old sinner
What themes are shown in the quote: “Squeezing, wretching, grasping, covetous old sinner”
.Social justice / injustice
.Selfishness / Materialism
What is the effect of asydnetic listing in the quote “Squeezing, wretching grasping, covetous old sinner”
It highlights his selfish and arvacious character. It portrays Scrooge’s immoral characterteristics as ongoing, casting him as an unrepentant (no guilt) “sinner”.
What is the effect of 7 negative adjectives in the quote: “Squeezing, wretching, grasping, covetous old sinner”
It links to the cardinal (seven deadly) sins - roots of all evil. As victorians were mainly religious the parrallels between Scrooge and the sins are used by Dickens to highlight how the rich symbolised by Scrooge, are more inclined towards moral tragession (go against morals) than the poor.
Dickens implicity crituqes the 1834 poor law, which were ironically designed to adress the percieved sin and laziness of the poor, however being shown by the poor to subvert the traditional views of poor being lazy and rude.
What does “squeezing” and “wrenching” connote to?
The verbs “squeezing” and “wrenching” connote to a struggle.
What does the connotation of struggle in the quote: “Squeezing, wretching, grasping, covetous old sinner” suggest?
This suggests that Scrooge struggles to see the detrimental concequences of his frugility (stinginess) and there role in perpetuating (continuing) social injustice.
Alternatively, the undertone of a struggle is used by Dickens to illustrate the arvaciousness of the upper class and how it directly causes struggles for the lower class.
How can the quote “squeezing, wretching, gasping, covetous old sinner” link to regret/redemption?
Dickens constructs Scrooge initally as quintessential (perfect example of) a Victorian miser (tight man), embodying the archetype of a villain. However, this deception serves to emphasise his journey of growth and transformation into a regretful and virtous member of society.
What quote in stave 2 perfectly shows Scrooge rejecting redemption and the supernatural (the themes we can link to)… (H. S…… t… e………..-c.. a.. b. a s…… a….. p……. i. d…. u… h.. h….
“He seized the extingusher- cap and by a sudden action pressed it down upon his head”
What does the verb “pressed” and the adverb “sudden” suggest about Scrooge’s reaction to the supernatural, Scrooge’s opinion on his past and his thoughts on changing?
The agressive verb “pressed” combined with the adverb “sudden” delves into Scrooge’s immersion into deeply supressed emotions, he doesn’t want to see his melancholic past. Therefore, he reacts irrationally out of sheer panic, anticipating the prospect of controlling these stiffled emotions of the past. He is trying to sifle / supress / stop these emotions from resurfacing.
Scrooge in Act 1 is a direct response of these misanthropic memories and he doesn’t want to face them or accept the change.
It shows his avoidance of change as his pointless atempt to cover the light is attempting to avoid confronting his own humanity and reparations of his actions.
What else can the Ghost of Christmas past be seen as, beside from a symbol of the past?
The ghost can symbolise the supernatural intervention neccesary for Scrooge’s spiritual awakening. He doesn’t want to accept and confront the reality of his behaviour.
By covering up the hat he is not wanting to embark on this pathway of redemption which symbolises the receptance to the oppourtunity.
What is the significance of the Ghost of Christmas past being presented with iridescent / bright imagery juxtaposed to the darkness that is evident in the descriptions of Scrooge?
The ghost is presented with iridescent / bright imagery as it has a “bright clear jet of light”as it symbolises suggests that the ghost aspires to illuminate the literal and metaphor darkness in Scrooge’s life, through relevation (revealling his past) and reflection.
How does Dickens describe the characters of ignorane and want, when the Ghost of Christmas past is showing Scrooge them? “Y….. and w….ish” in Stave 3
“Yellow and wolfish”
How can the quote “He seized the extingusher- cap and by a sudden action pressed it down upon his head” link to theme of kindness?
The introduction of the Ghost of Christmas past eventually catalyses a change in Scrooge as he becomes to shatter his ignorant views and begins to see the transformative power of empathy.
What is Dickens purpose off the interaction between Scrooge and ignorance and want?
Scrooge’s purpose of the interaction between Scrooge and these marganalised children increases that their poverty and suffering are directly caused by the afluent members of society, epotomised through Scrooge- whose desire for wealth outweighs his compassion
What is the signifiance of the imagery of yellow in the quote “Yellow and wolfish”
The colour “yellow” serves as a stark reminder of the physical illness and malnutrition endured by neglected by children, a concequence of societal neglect and indiviuals obliviousness to social injustice.
Why is it more effective to be shows the concequence it has on children and not adults?
The apathy Dickens wants us to feel for the lower class is exemplified through the use of children as people typically see children as innocent and a reader would feel more empathy for a child than an adult.
What is the effect of animalistic imagery / zoomorphism in the line “Yellow and wolfish”.
There is an animalistic and feral portrayal of the children as they are described as “wolfish” and “scowling”. This animalistic image highlights how poverty dehumanises individuals stripling even of their humanity and resticing them to less then an animalistic state of being.
Alternatively Dickens employs Scrooge, an extension of the ignorant wealthy to encounter the dehumanised poor, illustrating that the only remedy for societal ills is for the rich to acknowledge their role in continuing poverty and dehumanising the poor.
How does the introduction of the ghost of Christmas present link to reigion?
Go to Christmas present is presented as Godlike and omniscient this illustrates how the transformative power of religion and how by bringibg an individual back to the fundamental teachings of Christianity, it creates spiritual enlightenment, which allows people like screws to become champions of social justice.
How does the introduction of the ghost of Christmas present link to reigion?
The introduction to the supernatural catalyses a change in Scrooges he becomes to shatter his Ignorant views and begins to see the transformative power of empathy and how this can break the relentless cycle, of unjust poverty.
What does Scrooge say when he accepts change after seeing his death being mocked and his discarded grave?: I w…. l…. i. t.. p…., t.. p……. a.. t.. f……. T.. s…… o. a.. t….. s….. s….. w…… m. in Stave 4.
“I shall live in the past, the present and the future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me.”
What is the effect of the religous allusion in the line “I shall live in the past, the present and the future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me.”
The concept of “three” could be a biblical allusion to the Holy trinity. Emphasises that there are three ghosts acted as the incarnations of God himself.
What is the effect of the juxtaposition in the line “I shall live in the past, the present and the future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me.”
The effect of juxtapostion in the line “past, present and future is effective as the juxtaposing passages of time serves as a symbolic representation of his dormer arvacious self to his transformation into a person dedicated to redemption, moral and spiritual enlightment.
“within me” suggests the interlisisation of their moral teachings and this desperation to be redeemed- salvation
alternatively, he could be seeing his effect on societal structures in the past and present.
What quote does Scrooge use in stave 5 to show his change and rebirth: “Q…. a b….” “M….y a. a s….. b…”
“Quite a boy” “Merry as a school boy”
What is the effect of the infantile language in the line: “I shall live in the past, the present and the future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me.”
Scrooge’s infantile self descriptions indicate this rebirth as he brands himself as a “baby” and a “school boy” connotes and used the motifs if innocent/ youth, as through him repenting he has an innocent and ability to see the world in an untainted light as he now views it though compassion, kidness and benevolence. he is elated to have a second changce.
As bring a baby is the start of life this signifies that scrooge has been reborn as he has gone from an “old sinner” to the most innocent form or human life. He has regressed.
How is religious imagery used in the line “Quite a boy” “Merry as a school boy”
The concept of rebirth holds significance in Christianity, symbolising a spiritual renewal and connection with God. This is deeply intertwined with the belief in Jesus.
Jesus rebirth also offered salvation to humanity. Simarlily, Scrooge’s own rebirth may hold the promise of a salvation and relief for the less fortnuate. This evident when assumes a parental role akin to a “second father” to Tiny Tim embodying compassion and generosity towards those in needS
What is a good phrase for him making the upperclass readership reflect on their own life and there contribution to social injustice.
“Holding up a mirror to his readership.”