Ghosts in A Christmas Carol Key Themes and Quotes Flashcards
What was Dickens intentions with the the ghosts?
Dickens casts the ghosts as vehciles for conveying his condemation for the calliousness and cruelty prevalent among the materialistic upper class.
The ghosts are Dickens mouthpiece delivering a powerful message advocating for compassion and societal reform
Each ghost introduces a comical and entertaining element, enabling Dickens to subtly yet effectively decipt the corrosive impact greed and apathy. Dickens utilicises the ghosts to show the potential for reversing this damage.
What is a motif through the ghosts?
Time and change is a motif through ghosts. These motifs are used to illustrate how past, present and future can impact societal progress or decline.
What quote does Marley say about his eternal punishment in S1: I w… t.. c….. I f……. in l…. I m… i. l… b. l….”
“I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link.”
What is the signifance of the symbolism of chains in the quote “I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link.”
As chains are made by “links”, which are all interconnecting this is alike to how Marley is warning Scrooge that his covetousness (desire for wealth) and abandement of compassion for others and interconnected to anguish.
Marley is symbolic of the eternal concequences of the pursuit of materialism in his life on earth he shamed poverty indulging on his avarice, thus in his afterlife he experiences spiritual poverty.
Moreover, a chain symbolises restriction and entrapment. Through Marley “dragging” the chain is a conceit (extended metaphor) for the restricting and external concequences of being parsimonious (stingy) and percepetuating (continuing) social injustice.
What is the significance of the personal pronoun “I” in the quote “I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link.”
The personal pronoun “I” implies that Marley acknowledges with remorse the concequences of his own personal and selfish pursuit of material wealth, leading to eternal and spiritual damination.
He serves as a cautionary tale (warning) to not only to Scrooge but also the readers consumed by avarice (greed), highlighting that redemption is inaccesible for those who prioritise materialistic pursuits over altruism.
What quote in Stave 1 does Marley say about his relationship to mankind: “Mankind w.. m. b………”
“Mankind was my buisness
What themes link to the quote “Mankind was my buisness
. Selfishness / materialism
. Social injustice- his contribution
. Regret/ redemption
. Kidness (of family - trying to show Scrooge the importance of these traits)
What is the significance of economical language in the quote “Mankind was my buisness
Economical language dominating his language serves as crituqe of society’s obsession with with material wealth and the relentless pursuit of profit. Illustrtating Dickens perspectives that we need to focus on others and not just money and ‘business’ as he is Dickens first mouthpiece.
Moreover it foreshadows the grim fate awaiting for Scrooge if he fails to learn from the eternal punishment of Marley: being reduced to mere economical terms upon his death: “cheap funeral, marketing the corpse”
What is the singifiance of juxtaposition in the quote “Mankind was my buisness
The juxtaposition highlights the irony of individuals like Scrooge, who bleed material wealth with societal value.
What is the signifance of syntax order (order of words) in the quote “Mankind was my buisness
By syntax (order of words) “mankind” is before “business” by this Dickens is showing that Scrooge and the reader should value mankind more than business.
Marley’s spiritual and eternal punishment as a catalyst not only for the sole purpose of change but also for the realisation and compassion should always the importance of materialisation.
What quote does Dickens say about the Ghost of Christmas past to describe its appearance: “I. w.. a s….. f……..- l…. a c….: y… n.. l…. a c….. a. l…. a. o.. m..”
“It was strange figure- like a child: yet not like a child as like an old man”
What themes are in the quote: “It was strange figure- like a child: yet not like a child as like an old man”
.Kidness / family
.Social injustice
What is the effect of juxtaposition in the quote. “It was strange figure- like a child: yet not like a child as like an old man”
Juxtaposition between a “like a child” and simutaneously an “old man”is a metaphor for Scrooge, he appears physically alike an “old man”, as he is branded as an “old sinner”, yet is vunrebale and isolated akin to how he was as a child.
This contrast also underpins the interconnectedness of time, emphasising that the pass inevitabley shapes the present and influences the future.
By revising Scrooge’s childhood, the ghost aims to catalyse a regression in him, prompting a return to his former compassionate self and setting him on a path to redemption.
By presenting the ghost as am algination of youthulness and age. Dickens captulates fascination of his readeeship allowing him to use the juxtaposing deciption to emphasise the motif of time.
This motif, personified through the ghosts of past, present and future is also used to illustrate the timelessness of moral growth, compassion amd redemption.
What quote does Dickens use to describe the Ghost of Christmas past in a godlike way: “B…. c….., j.. o. l…..” “P…… w…..”
“Bright clear jet of light” “Purest white”
What themes are in “Bright clear jet of light” “Purest white”
Social injustice
What is the effect of the motif of light in “Bright clear jet of light” “Purest white”
The motif of light illuminates the ghost of christmas past, present and Fred- all of which play a role in encouraging Scrooge’s transformation.
“Light” evokes images of hope and symbolising how the ghost is a beacon of enlightmenr tasked with illumination Scrooge’s path towards moral awakening and personal transformation.
The ghost’s purpose is to reveal to Scrooge the potential for a hopeful and joyous existence if he chooses the path of redemptiom.
Where is there religious imagery in the quote- “Bright clear jet of light” “Purest white”
“Purest” has a heavenly image- the Ghost is ready to free Scrooge of his sins so he is reast for him to access heaven.
Moreover, foreshadows Scrooge’s journey: while also emphasising the theme of fogiveness. Dickens suggests that nobody is beyond redemption, regardless of their past sins, salvation and forgivness can always be found.
What 1st quote is a good choice for Ghost of Christmas present: “Gl…… t…., i. s….. n.. u…. P…..’. h….”
“Glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plenty’s horn”
What themes are used in “Glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plenty’s horn”
Selfishness / materialism
Social iniustice
What is “plenty’s horn” and why is it signifanct being used by Dickens?
It symbolises wealth, abundance and nourishment. This highlights that a message to Scrooge about there being an abundance of resources to be shared, and societal neglect and malnourishment are injustifable in a world of plenty.
What does the use of “plenty’s horn” serve as a critque off?
This serves as a critique of Malthusian views, which disregard the plight of the poor as inevitable, yet the ghost shows that there is an ample wealth That could be shared, if all food was shared equally.
What is the significance of the motif of light and supernatural in the quote: “Glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plenty’s horn”
The motif of light is significant as when the ghost holds the torch it lights up Scrooge’s life both physically and metaphorically.
This illumination reflects the ghost supernatural omnipotencr to reveal and illuminate, the detrimental impacts of societal neglect and avarice
Through the Cratchits, symbolic of the exploited poor, the ghost aim to awaken Scrooge to the abundance of resources, physically that should be shared in society, as well as the emotional abundance of compassion and benevolence .
What does the ghost of Christmas present repeat back to Scrooge? “I. h. w….. l… t. d.. , h. h.. b…… d. i., and d…….. t.. surp…. p………
“if he like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population”
What is the effect of repetition through the quote? “if he like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population”
The ghost repeats Scrooge’s earlier quote from stave one, emphasising, the careless, neglected, ignorance towards supply of lower classes. Through Scrooges, adoption of malthusian ideology, poverty, and starvation, heartlessly, dismayed as a inevitable outcomes of a “surpulus” population shows the inhumanity and callousness of these views.
What is the effect of plosives through the quote? “if he like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population”
“Die” “better” “do” represents the harsh callousness of these upper class views.
This belligerence causes the exploitation and victimisation of the most innocent in society-children (ignorance and want)
What quote describes a ghost of Christmas yet to come in S4?: “s……… i. a d…. b…. g…….”
“Shrouded in a deep black garment”
What themes are used in the quote: “Shrouded in a deep black garment”
Selfishness / materialism
Supernatural (archetypal ghost)
Regret / redemption
What is the effect of the symbolism of death in the quote “Shrouded in a deep black garment”
The description is reminiscent of the Grim Reaper, which is the symbol of death.
The ghost creates an ambience of foreboding and finality. The deathly undertones serve as a stark reminder of the concequences of Scrooge’s past immortalities and the urgency and need for repetance. If he doesn’t repent mow then the future is final.
What is the effect of the juxtaposition in the quote “Shrouded in a deep black garment”
The dark ominous image created by the black juxtaposes, the most of light seen within the prior ghosts. This is suggestive that Scrooges, bleak and ironically, “solitary” death is imminent. Scrooges ,onged for a solitary existence, and now thr ghost is showing the consequences of a selfish and isolated experience. Portraying his future as a inevitable and inescapable.
Why is the ghost of yet to come an archetypal ghost?
The archetype of the menacing faceless ghost haunting Scrooge serves to illuminate the gravity of his misanthropy and catalyse change.
What does the ghost of Christmas get to come say about Scrooges grave: “I. w.. a w….. place. O….. w… g…. a… s…s”
“It was a worthy place” “Overun with grass and seeds.
What is the significance of the decaying semantic field in the quote “It was a worthy place” “Overun with grass and seeds.
“Overun” “grass and seeds”, serving as a mocking on Scrooge’s life. Highlighting his insignificance.
Search as a criticism of his materialistic existence-he has become even more insignificant than the plants surrounding his grave.
Through the ghost, betrayal, Scrooges proleptic death, Dickens emphasises the consequences of neglecting one’s moral and civic duties, suggesting that such neglect will lead to a turn on neglect and oblivion in death.
What is the significance of exclamative sentences in the quote”It was a worthy place!” “Overun with grass and seeds.
The exclamative sentence, sentence ending with an exclamataion mark. Shows the ghost believes Scrooge has a just punishment. Invoking a sense of divine justice. Deserves to be neglected and forgotten as Victorian would’ve found comfort in thus punishment.