Script Flashcards
Whisper SEL /NEL -
You’re through to Nhs 111 , I’m Sarah , a service advisor. Are you calling for yourself or someone else?
What order do you take the details in if the patient is the caller?
Surname/ First name
Postcode - Currently?
Full address
Name of your Gp
Tel Number - Confirm
Ethnicity for research purposes
Call reason statement?
Can you briefly tell me the reason for your call today?
if the call is calling for someone else, what are the two questions you are?
Are they breathing and responsive?
Are you with them currently?
Pathways and dental statement ?
“I need to ask you a series of questions, just to rule out more urgent symptoms and to further give you the best route of care and advice”
Factors to consider when the caller is not the patient?
their name ,
relationship to patient
reason patient can’t call?
What is croydon client id for a translator?
Worsening statement
If you have new or worsening symptoms, change in your condition or any other concerns do give us a ring back.
When you get a dental issue what question should you ask?
Do you have swelling in the face?
what do you ask for from paramedics ?
Cad number
code for comfort break?
code for call related activities ?
code for management requested duties ?
code for paid break ?(15mins)
code for documenting concerns ?