Screening for Cardiopulmonary Disorder Lecture Flashcards
Symptoms of Cardiac disease include…
Chest pain or discomfort
Vital signs
What are the three categories of cardiac diseases?
Heart muscle
Heart valves
Cardiac nervous system
What are certain conditions which affect the heart muscle?
Obstruction or restriction
Dilation of distension
What is the epidemiology of atherosclerosis?
Contributes to 1/2 of all deaths in the western world
Can lead to ischemic heart disease (IHD), cerebral infarct, kidney failure, aneurysms, and peripheral vascular disease resulting in gangrene
What are some risk factors for atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease?
Cigarette smoking
- smoking 1 or more packs/day increases mortality by 200%
High fat (especially cholesterol) diet
- hypercholesterolemia (familial or dietary) is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis
- cholesterol is found in high levels in animal fat, butter, and egg yolks
- Males aged 45-62 whose pressure is 169/95 or higher have 500% greater risk of ATH than those whose pressure is 140/90
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
- DM induces hypercholestrolemia
- ATH is more common in middle age or older people
- Men are more commonly affected
- Many factors leading to HTN/hypercholesterolemia
What is the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis? (Fatty streak)
Many think the first indication of vessel disease, which may progress to ATH, is the deposition of lipids in the tunica intima of arteries.
Streaks are particularly noticeable around the openings of vessels
They are thought to be due to the stresses on the endothelium caused by the loss of laminar flow near openings of vessels
All children have fatty streaks by the time they are 10 years old
What are the steps of atherosclerosis pathogenesis?
- Chronic endothelial “injury”
- Hyperlipidemia
- Smoking
- Homocysteine
- Hemodynamic factors
- Toxins
- Viruses
- Immune reactions - Endothelial dysfunction
- Increased permeability, leukocyte adhesion, monocyte adhesion and emigration - Smooth muscle emigration from media to intima. Macrophage activation
- Smooth muscle proliferation, collagen and other ECM deposition, extracellular lipid
What are atheromas capable of doing?
Occlude the lumen of the vessel
Cause thrombus formation
Erode into the media leading to development of an aneurysm
Produce emboli
What is the epidemiology of HTN?
In its early stages, HTN is asymptomatic, but it can lead to:
Cardiac hypertrophy
Heart failure
Aortic dissection
Renal failure
Most of the time the cause is unknown
Often due to kidney disease
25% of general adult population is HTNsive
Most common in African Americans
What is the formula for blood pressure?
BP = Cardiac output x Peripheral resistance
How is blood pressure regulated?
Slide 18
What is the vascular pathology in HTN?
Athromas can occlude the renal arteries. Juxtaglomerular complex detects low BP and secretes renin. BP is raised by the angiotensin-aldosterone pathway
Increased BP causes hemodynamic disturbances of the blood flow and the formation of athromas
What is an aneurysm?
Localized bulging of a blood vessel or of the heart
Due to weakening of the wall of the vessel
Major cause is atherosclerosis
HTN can cause aneurysm formation in a weakened artery
Can burst leading to sudden severe blood loss, or can cause damage by pressing on surrounding tissues
What is a dissection?
Occurs when blood enters the wall of a vessel, separating its layers. It usually (but not always) is a complication of aneurysm
Where is the most common site of aneurysm?
Lower abdominal aorta
What are varicose veins?
Superficial leg veins which do not cause serious problems and even though they are usually thrombosed, they do not often throw an emboli
Deep leg veins, on the other hand, when thrombosed (thrombophlebitis) do form emboli
Factors contributing to thrombophlebitis include:
- Cardiac failure
- Prolonged bed rest
- Immobilization
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Neoplasia
When does congestive heart failure (CHF) occur?
When the heart is unable to pump out as much blood as enters (or tries to enter) it
What are the most common causes of CHF?
HTN–peripheral resistance too great to pump against
Mitral or aortic valve disease–when the heart pumps , blood flows both forward into the aorta and backward into the heart chambers
Ischemic heart disease–lack of blood supply to the heart muscle reduces its capacity to pump
Infarction–a healed infarct leaves scar tissue that reduces the ability of the heart to pump
Primary diseases of the myocardium
What is the pathogenesis of CHF?
As the heart fails, several adaptive responses occur:
Increase in sympathetic stimulation–increasing heart rate and force of contraction
Hypertrophy of the individual heart muscle cells occur most commonly in situations of increased pressure (HTN)
DILATION of the heart chambers occurs most commonly when there is an increase in volume (as in valvular disease)
What is the pathogenesis cascade of CHF?
Hypertrophy often leads to dilation–enlarged cells need more oxygen. If the coronary blood supply cannot enlarge fast enough, the hypertrophied heart becomes ischemic, preventing it from performing adequately and leading to increased heart failure. The increased pressures generated stretch the muscle cells causing dilation
Compensated CHF–the hypertrophied and dilated heart can meet the needs of the body
Decompensated CHF–the heart cannot meet the needs of the body
What is the pathogenesis of CHF associated with the lungs?
Failure of the left side of the heart causes pulmonary HTN and congestion of the pulmonary venous system. The increased pressure leads to pulmonary edema in which edema fluid fills the interstitial tissue and ultimately the alveoli. Pulmonary HTN can also cause right side heart failure as the right ventricle tries to push more blood into the pulmonary circulation
What is the pathogenesis of CHF pertaining to the kidneys?
Kidney reacts to decreased perfusion as it would to HTN. To increase the BP, it releases renin activating the renin-angiotensin system. Sodium and water are resorbed and more fluid is added to the already overburdened heart
What is the pathogenesis of CHF pertaining to the liver?
The venous HTN causes congestion in liver. Lack of oxygen due to pulmonary edema affects the cells in the central part of each liver lobule and may lead to their death. A liver with this pattern of cell death is called a “nutmeg liver”
What are the clinical features of CHF?
Dyspnea–SOB due to pulmonary edema. In severe cases the patient may feel as though he/she is drowning. The dyspnea may be more severe during physical activity or when lying down. A patient with pulmonary edema may need to sleep with his head elevated
Atrial fibrillation–leading to an “irregularly irregular” heartbeat. The pulse is extremely erratic
Soft tissue edema due to venous congestion. Fluid retention and edema are very common in CHF. Unlike inflammatory edema, CHF edema has a low protein content. The edema may affect dependent areas such as the feet and legs, cause ascites, or be generalized
Cyanosis due to poor oxygenation and delivery of the blood
The average length of time from diagnosis of CHF to death in 5 years
What is ischemic heart disease?
Occurs when the cardiac muscle does not get enough blood to meet its demands. Note that ischemia refers to lack of nutrients brought by the blood in addition to oxygen
What is the etiology of ischemic heart disease?
Over 90% of IHD cases are due to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. For this reason it is often called “coronary heart disease”
- Smoking
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Hypercholesterolemia
What is the epidemiology of IHD?
Most common in older people
Men are more commonly affected–except in the very elderly
What is the pathogenesis of IHD?
Fixed obstruction: 75% occlusion = angina pectoralis
- Stable angina
Plaque instability plaque rupture, fissure, hemorrhage
- Thrombus formation
- Embolus formation
What is stable angina?
Usually 70% or greater occlusion
Occurs after exercise
What is prinzmetal angina?
Occurs at rest
Probably due to coronary artery spasm
What is unstable angina?
Attacks with increased frequency and severity
Usually due to thrombus formation on a plaque
Often a precursor of infarction
What are treatments for IHD?
Balloon angioplasty–a catheter is inserted into the affected coronary artery and, when in place, a “balloon” at its tip is expanded. This compresses the arthroma and enlarges the lumen of the vessel
Coronary stent
- Bare metal stent–a mesh tube that is inserted after balloon angioplasty holds the vessel open. Endothelium grows over the wire mesh preventing contact with blood
- Drug eluting stents–are impregnated with anti-proliferation drugs that prevent restenosis. These are being closely watched as some research indicates that the drugs prevent the endothelium from covering the stent resulting in late thrombosis
Coronary bypass surgery–affected coronary arteries are replaced by veins or synthetic vessels
What is the epidemiology of myocardial infarction (IHD)?
Most common cause of death in industrialized nations
1.5 million/year in U.S: 1 in 3 die
5 times as common in middle aged men than women
What is the pathogenesis of MI?
Most acute cases are caused by coronary artery thrombosis which is commonly due to the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque
Roughly 1/2 of all infarcts involve the anterior interventricular artery (left anterior descending coronary artery) which is the major supply to the left ventricle and the anterior portion of the interventricular septum
Stages of injury:
- Coagulation necrosis
- Inflammation
- Formation of granulation tissue
- Fibrosis and scar formation
Subendothelial and transmural infarcts
What is the pathogenesis of coagulation necrosis?
First stage of infarction is coagulation necrosis. Dead cardiac myocytes are highly eosinophilic (red is dead). The spaces between the cells are filled with edema fluid and nuetrophils
What is the pathogenesis of inflammation following MI?
A 3-4 ay old infarct shows coagulation necrosis and infiltration by numerous neutrophils
What is the pathogenesis of removal of debris following MI?
After a week, necrotic tissue removed and fibroblasts are invading infarct
What is the pathogenesis of granulation tissue following MI?
After 3 weeks, infarct area is filled with granulation tissue
What is the pathogenesis of fibrosis following MI?
Healed infarct showing blue stained fibrous scar tissue on a slide
What are some complications which result from MI?
- Usually occurs during first week when the damaged myocardium is being replaced by granulation tissue
- Occurs in 10% of patients who die in the hospital of MI
- Death is due to cardiac tamponade (fluid around the heart)
- Usually occurs during the first week when the damaged myocardium is being replaced by granulation tissue
- Occurs in 1% of patients with MI
- Results in left-to-right shunt and CHF
- Results in severe valvular dysfunction
- Develop at the site of a healed infarct
- Frequently contain mural thrombi
- Non-contractile