Marbury v. Madison
Year: 1803
Info: Madison refused to deliver the commission to Marbury.
Established:Judicial Review
Marbury lost the case.
McCulloch v. Maryland
Year: 1819
Info: A case where the Court decided that the Second Bank of the United States could not be taxed by Maryland.
Involves/Establishes: federal power, Necessary and Proper Clause gave Congress power to establish a national bank.
Schenck v. United States
Year: 1919
Info: Schenck was charged with conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act of 1917 by obstructing recruitment.
Brown v. Board of Education
Year: 1954
Info: Linda Brown was not allowed to attend an all-white school, which violated the 14th Amendment. Linda Brown won the Supreme Court case and attended the white school.
Baker v. Carr
Year: 1962
Info: Established the right of federal courts to review redistricting issues, 14th Amendment.
Engel v. Vitale
Year: 1962
Info: Discussed if it was legal to implement a school prayer, argued that it went against the 1st Amendment, found that a school prayer was unconstitutional.
Gideon v. Wainwright
Year: 1963
Info: Gideon was convicted but could not afford a lawyer, and said that it violated the 6th and 14th Amendments. Gideon won his case, and his former conviction was deemed unconstitutional.
Tinker v. Des Moines
Year: 1969
Info: Tinker children wore armbands to school to show support of a Christmas truce during the Vietnam War.
Freedom of speech, 1st Amendment, Tinker children won.
New York Times v. United States
Year: 1971
Info: Nixon administration filed a restraining order against the New York Times, claimed it violated 1st Amendment rights, restraining order was dissolved.
Wisconsin v. Yoder
Year: 1972
Info: Parents in the Amish Community refused to send their children to 8th grade due to religious reasons, 1st Amendment, Yoder won the case.
Shaw v. Reno
Year: 1993
Info: A case that involved gerrymandering in NC, Shaw won the case, 14th Amendment (equal protection clause).
United States v. Lopez
Year: 1995
Info: Involved Gun-Free School Zone Acts of 1990, 2nd Amendment, ruled that Congress can’t use the Commerce Clause to regulate the possession of firearms in public schools.
McDonald v. Chicago
Year: 2010
Info: McDonald filed suit against the U.S. District Court to challenge the provision that banned the new registration of guns, privilege and immunities clause (14th Amendment), 2nd Amendment, ruled the 2nd Amendment is a fundamental right in American freedom.
Citizens United v. FEC
Year: 2010
Info: regards campaign finance laws and free speech, Citizens United won the case