Scoring Plays Flashcards
Goal Line:
First and goal on the B-1. Ball carrier A22 dives over the goal line, but the officials rule that the ball did not break the plane of the goal line before A22 was down. Replays showed that it did.
RULING: Reviewable play, regarding whether the ball broke the plane of the goal line. Overturn to touchdown. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout. (Rule 12-3-1-a).
First and goal on the B-5. Ball carrier A22 runs to the one-yard line and dives for the goal line. The officials rule A22 out of bounds at the B-1. Replays show that A22 had extended the ball over the goal line inside the pylon before he landed out of bounds.
RULING: Reviewable play. Overturn to touchdown. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout.
First and goal on the B-5. Ball carrier A22 runs to the one-yard line and dives for the goal line. The officials rule A22 out of bounds at the B-1. Replays show that the ball crossed the plane of the goal line outside the pylon and then A22 landed in the end zone.
RULING: Reviewable play. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout. If any part of the player lands in the end zone before he touches out of bounds, he gets the goal line extended (Rule 12-3-1-a).
First and goal on the B-5. Ball carrier A22 runs and dives for the goal line pylon. The officials rule A22 out of bounds at the B-1. Replays show A22’s left leg touching the pylon and the ball across the goal line
outside the pylon at that point.
RULING: Reviewable play. Overturn to touchdown. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout. A player touching the pylon with any part of his body is treated the same as a player with a body part down in the end zone. They both get the goal line extended (Rule 12-3-1-a).
First and goal on the B-5. Ball carrier A22 runs to the B1 and extends the ball over the goal line outside the pylon. He is then driven back and out of bounds at the B-2. The officials rule TD.
RULING: Reviewable play. Overturn to out of bounds at the B-1 where the ball initially crossed the sideline. A player who does not get a body part down in the end zone or touch the pylon does not get the goal line extended (Rule 12-3-1-a).
Out of Bounds:
First and goal on the B-10. Ball carrier A22 runs down the sideline and dives for the end zone pylon. The line judge rules that he stepped out at the 2-yard line before he left his feet. Replays show that A22 did not step out of bounds and that the ball while in his possession broke the plane of the goal line inside the pylon before he landed out of bounds.
RULING: Reviewable play. Overturn to touchdown. If the runner crosses the goal line in the immediate continuing action following the out of bounds ruling replay can award a score. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout. (Rule 12-3-1-a).
Down by Rule:
Third and 1 on the B-35. Ball carrier A22 runs and the line judge rules that his left knee touched the ground at the B-4. A22 continues running and crosses the goal line in the immediate continuing action. Replays show that A22 was not down during his run.
RULING: Reviewable play. Overturn to touchdown. If the runner crosses the goal line in the immediate continuing action following the ruling of down replay can award a score. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout. (Rule 12-3-1-a).
Pass in the end zone:
First and goal on the B-5. A80 controls a pass while in the air in Team B’s end zone and is hit by a defender causing him to land on his back or his feet at the 1-yard line where he maintains control of the ball.
Officials rule touchdown.
RULING: Reviewable play regarding whether the pass was complete and whether it should be a TD. Ruling on the field is confirmed. Completed pass for touchdown. This is treated just like forward progress in the field of play (Rule 12-3-1-a and 12-3-2-a).
Fumble at a goal line:
First and goal on the B-5. A22 runs to B’s goal line, loses the ball prior to it breaking the plane of the goal line, and the officials rule touchdown. The ball rolls out of bounds inside the goal line pylon
RULING: Reviewable play, regarding:
whether A22 scored a touchdown before he lost the ball. Overturn to touchback, B 1-10 B-20. If the ball becomes dead in the end zone either in Team B’s possession or out of bounds in the immediate continuing action after the play, it is a touchback (Rule 12-3-1-a and 12-3-3-d).If there is no definitive video evidence that the ball was fumbled out of bounds through the end zone the ball will be placed at the spot of the fumble with Team A retaining possession.
Fumble at a goal line:
First and goal on the B-5. A22 runs to B’s goal line, loses the ball prior to it breaking the plane of the goal line, and the officials rule touchdown. The ball comes to rest in the end zone with no player attempting to
recover it.
RULING: Reviewable play, regarding whether A22 scored a touchdown before he lost the ball. Overturn to no score, A 2-Goal on B-1. If the ball becomes dead in the end zone with no team possessing it, the ball is placed at the spot of the fumble. If the ball is dead in the field of play, the ball is placed at either the spot of the fumble or the dead ball spot, whichever is further back (Rule 12-3-1-a and 12-3-3-d). This ruling applies regardless of any signal or whistle by any official.
Potential fumble near the goal line:
Third-and-five at the B-25. The ball carrier is about to cross the goal line and drops the ball, either right before or right after breaking the plane of the goal line. No official makes any signal and there is no whistle. The players scramble for the ball and it is recovered on the ground in the end zone. (a) Officials rule that the offense recovers and signal touchdown.
(b) Officials rule that the defense recovers and signal touchback.
RULING: (a) The replay official would not stop the game for a review, since the result is a touchdown no matter where the ball carrier dropped the ball. (b) Reviewable only to determine where the ball carrier was when he dropped the ball. If Replay rules that he had not crossed the goal line before losing the ball, the ruling of a touchback is confirmed. If Replay rules that he had crossed the goal line before losing the ball, the ruling on the field is overturned to a touchdown.
Backward pass–potential safety:
Team A snaps the ball at its 5-yard line. A12 throws a quick pass from the A-3 to the flat toward receiver A44. The line judge signals incomplete pass as the ball hits the ground at the A-2, takes a backward bounce and rolls into the end zone and out of bounds.
RULING: Reviewable. Safety. The ball going out of bounds is treated like a clear recovery in
the immediate continuing action. If there is no confirmation of a clear recovery in the end zone from the on-field officials, or the replay official does not have indisputable video evidence as to which team recovers, the only two possible rulings are a safety or a touchdown for Team B. In this situation the result will be the least impactful of those two rulings, which
is a safety. (Rule 12-3-2-e)
Fumble recovery in the end zone:
First and 10 on the A-2. Back A2 is hit and loses the ball at the A-3. The ball goes back into A’s end zone and ends up in a pile of players from both teams. The line judge rules A2 down. Replays show the ball came loose before A2 was down, but there is no video evidence or confirmation from the officials on the field of a clear recovery by either team.
RULING: Reviewable. Safety for Team B. The only two possible rulings are a safety or a touchdown for Team B. In this situation the result will be the least impactful of those two rulings, which is a safety.
First and 10 on the A-2. A22 takes a handoff and gets hit near the goal line and driven back into the end zone where he is tackled. The officials rule that A22’s forward progress was stopped at the A-1 yard line and put the ball there. Replays show that when A22’s progress was stopped the ball was still in the end zone.
RULING: Reviewable play, regarding where the ball was in relation to the goal line when progress was ruled. Overturn to safety, safety kick A-20. Reset clock if after the Two-Minute Timeout. Entire ball must be in the field of play when progress is stopped or runner is down in order for it not to be a safety (Rule 12-3-1-a).
Field goal attempt:
Fourth and 10 on the B-35. The field goal attempt just clears the crossbar but is ruled no good.
RULING: Reviewable play, regarding whether the ball went over the crossbar. Overturn to field goal attempt good (Rule 12-3-1-b).