SCM4367-Process and Quality Management EXAM 3 Flashcards
Summing the setup times and run times for all remaining operations, and subtracting this from the time remaining until the due date is referred to as
Order Slack (ST) rule
Johnson’s rule will minimize average job completion (flow) time in two machine case. T/F
One way of dealing with the shop-floor complexity is by
priority sequencing rules
Priority sequencing rules determine
Which job to work on at the work center?
The lowest planning and control level in MPC is:
The lot-for-lot (L4L) procedure
creates order quantities that are exactly equal to net requirements.
The economic order quantity (EOQ) procedure
is based on the assumption of constant uniform demand.
Freezing the schedule is one way of mitigating
MRP system nervousness
When ordering costs are relatively small compared to inventory carrying costs, LFL will yield favorable results. T/F
MRP lot-sizing procedures are designed specifically for the discrete demand case. T/F
POQ with T > 1 will minimize inventories. T/F
The economic order quantity (EOQ) lot-sizing technique produces or acquires exactly the amount of product that is needed each time period with none carried over into future periods. T/F
There is no cure for reducing MRP nervousness. T/F
The Critical Ratio rule uses the information about the processing time of the job in the current work center only. T/F
Dispatching involves the use of logic that guides the prioritizing of jobs at a workstation. These rules are referred to as lot-sizing rules. T/F
The routing specifies each operation to be performed to make the part and which work center will perform the operation. T/F
The primary connection between PAC and the rest of the MPC systems comes from material requirements plans. T/F
PAC stands for Process Activity Control. T/F
KBB will provide the minimum total cost only if the net requirements in MRP are lumpy. T/F
The economic order quantity (EOQ) lot-sizing technique produces or acquires exactly the amount of product that is needed each time period with none carried over into future periods. T/F
LFL and POQ are the same when T =1. T/F
An implicit enumeration technique, like a branch and bound, is a heuristic method as it does not evaluate all the possible enumerations of the combinatorial problem. T/F
Which one of the following lot-sizing rules guarantees an optimal solution when demand is constant?
Which of the below lot-sizing procedures provide an optimal solution in MRP lot-sizing?
Which one of the following lot-sizing rules guarantees an optimal solution in a general MRP environment?
When several jobs arrive at a work center, there is a need for
a system of scheduling and prioritizing
Examining realistic, multiple-machine, dynamic scheduling situations is possible by using