Scientists Flashcards
produced the sealed liquid-in-glass
thermometer with alcohol filling but without a scale in use.
1654 Ferdinand II = (Grand
Duke of Tuscany)
invented the first modern thermometer, the mercury thermometer.
Its standard scale is called
1714 Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit = (German physicist)
the absolute temperature scale, which was later named
Kelvin scale.
This scale is commonly used in scientific applications.
1848 Lord Kelvin
invented the Celsius scale.
The Celsius temperature is also referred to as centigrade.
1742 Anders Celsius=(Swedish astronomer)
invented the ear thermometer.
1984 Theodore Hannes = pioneering biodynamicist and flight surgeon),
Also known as Count Rumford, was an Anglo - American physicist, statesman, and inventor.
He was best known for his investigations on the nature of heat.