Scientific revolution Flashcards
When and how did the scientific revolution begin?
mid 1500s, when a few scholars published works that challenged old ideas and also the church
Name and explain 5 causes of the scientific revolution
- Astronomers questioned how the universe operated.
Their answers shattered long-held views & opened a new world of discoveries. - The Renaissance led to a new realism and renewed discoveries about life & art, this helped produce a more questioning society.
- middle class was able to meet & discuss (London & Amsterdam coffee houses, Parisian salons) not just political but other trendy issues.
- They were helped by the invention of printing & establishment (Royal societies) patronage/encouragement. - - Books, pamphlets & letters were published.
- Education was improving. More universities & educational establishments were being set up. More people could read information (in their own languages).
- The Reformation helped to weaken people’s belief in the teachings of the catholic church.
- The Enlightenment helped revolutions. Both of these events led to new thoughts & encourage individuals to experiment & try.
- Enlightened rulers sponsored and encouraged new ideas.
- Exploration also encouraged the search for new truths.
- Peace & trade - encouraged an exchange of ideas
Nicholas Copernicus discovered what about the universe?
The discovered the heliocentric theory which stated that the sun was in the middle of the solar system and all the planets revolved around it.
Johannes Kepler
He built upon his master’s work and discovered that there were mathematical laws that directly related to planetary motion. His conclusions supported copernicus.
Galileo Galilei
He published a book in 1610 about the discoveries he made with his telescope. His book also supported the ideas of Copernicus.
Issac Newton
He was able to link motion in the heavens with motion on Earth with the law of gravitation. This law stated that all objects attracted all other objects and the degree of attraction depended on the mass of the object and the distance between the other objects.
What obstacles stood in the way of scientific development?
- Religious beliefs / the church
- Lack of education
- Un - enlightened rulers and leaders
How did scientific instruments develop?
Scientific instruments became more accurate.
The mercury barometer, microscope, farenheit and celcius thermometers were invented during this time.
How did chemistry develop?
Robert Boyle - father of chemistry
- proposed that everything was made up of small particles that join together in different ways rather then aristotle’s idea of earth fire and water
- boyles lay tells us how the volume, pressure and temperature of a gas affect each other.
How did medicine develop?
- Andreas Vesalius dissected human bodies and published a book about his findings.
- A vaccine for smallpox was invented during this time (Edward Jenner)
What was the difference between Bacon and Descartes beliefs regarding the scientific method?
Bacon believed that by better understanding the world, we could improve people’s lives, and we should do this by experimenting and drawing conclusions from those experiments.
Descartes - doubt everything until proven by reason. We can discover new things using mathematics and logic.