scientific revolution Flashcards
medieval view, earth is center, perfect circle paths, stars fixed in sky
medieval view was all
Ptolemaic system
scientific revolution
new way, willingness to question beliefs after Renaissance, Muslim scholar influenced, astronomy, physics, math, rediscover classical texts, new world (1492) new animals and plants
heliocentric universe
sun is center
Polish cleric, 25 years of data, moved sun to center, near rotation, yet couldn’t explain why, Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies (post humus)
Tycho Brahe
data, 20 years, does nothing with it, has student-Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler
student of Tycho Brahe, take all data, mathematical laws govern motion of planets, rotations not circular (elliptical [mercury])
Galileo Gallile
at 17 he looked at chandeliers and found out stuff about pendulums, falling objects-Pisa, IMPROVES telescope, 610-starry messenger (Jupiter-4 moons-Medici) (sun spots) (uneven surface of moon), conflict with church-warned not to defend Copernicus, writes book-dialogue, inquisition (takes back everything), house arrest, Medici sneaks all studies to Protestant countries, in 1999 church is like oops
sir Francis bacon
scientific method, novum organum-test it urself, use experiment, also was an english politician
Rene Descartes
analytical geometry (links algebra to geometry), skip experiments - use logic, reason, and math, “I think, therefor I am” (tried to prove god)
Isaac Newton
math-Cambridge, burned down step fathers house, laws of motion - bodies at rest remain at rest, bodies in motion like to remain in a straight line, equal and opposite reactions, force = mass x accelleration (f=m•a), UNIVERSAL GRAVITY