ACP Flashcards
age of Pericles
461-429 BCE, Pericles dominated Athenian politics and Athens reached the height of it’s power.
in early Greek city-states, a fortified gathering place at the top of a hill which sometimes was the site of temples and public buildings
political disorder, lawlessness
incorporate territory into an existing political unit, such as a city or country
declare invalid
study of human life and culture based on artifacts and human fossils
“apartness,” the system of racial segregation in South Africa from the 1950s until 1991
first african nation to achieve independence after ww2
African National Congress. It was blacks wanting economic and political reform. Nelson Mandela led.
satisfying demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability. like what happened with hitler.
an upper class whose wealth is based on land and whose power is passed on from one generation to another.
a truce or agreement to end fighting
balance of trade
the different in value between what a nation imports and what it exports
an artistic style of the 17th century characterized by complex forms, bold ornamentation, and contrasting elements.
German for lightning war, a swift and sudden military attack used by the Germans in ww2
the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people. sometimes richer than the upper class.
Bronze Age
3000-1200 BCE, characterized by the widespread use of bronze for tools and weapons
a religious doctrine introduced in northern India in the sixth century BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, or enlightened one
budget deficit
the state that exists when a government spends more than it collects
an administrative organization that relies on nonelective officials and regular procedures
strict code which the Japanese samurai lived by
caste system
divisions in India. Brahmas, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, Untouchables.
in post revolutionary Latin America, a strong leader who ruled chiefly by military force, usually with the support of the landed elite
in the Middle Ages, the ideal of civilized behavior that develops among the nobility; it was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold
city state
a city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside
collective bargaining
the right of unions to negotiate with employers over wages and hours
a system in which private farms are eliminated and peasants work land owned by the government
commercial capitalism
economic system in which people invest in trade or goods to make profits
common law
a uniform system of law that developed in England bases on court decisions and on customs and usage rather than in written law codes; replaced codes that varied from place to place
a republic
political compromise
a chief executive officer of the roman republic; two were elected each year, one to run the government and one to lead the army into battle
rebels financed by the USA who began a guerrilla war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua
coup d’etat
sudden overthrow of the government
“wedge shaped” a system of writing developed by the Sumerians using a reed stylus to create wedge shaped impressions in a clay tablet
Russian for Caesar, the title used by russian emperors
“way” the key to proper behavior under Confucianism
a system of ideas based on the teachings of laozi, teaches that the will of heaven is best followed through inaction so that nature is allowed to take it’s course
deficit spending
when a govt pays out more money than taking in from taxes and other revenues and goes into debt
an 18th cent religious philosophy based on reason and natural law
in Hinduism. requires all people to do their duty based on their status in society
a form of government in which a person or small group has absolute power
direct democracy
a system of govt in which the people participate directly in government decision making through mass meetings
direct rule
colonial govt in which local elites are removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the mother country
the russian legislative assembly
a family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family
a large political unit, usually under a single leader, that controls many peoples or territories
enlightened absolutism
a system in which rulers tried to govern by enlightenment principles while maintaining their full royal powers
one of three classes into which french society was divided before revolution: the clergy, the nobles, and the townspeople
a political philosophy that glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central govt led by a dictatorial
federal system
a form of govt In which power is shared between the nat govt and state govts
filial piety
duty of fam members to subordinate their needs and desires to those of the male head of family. Confucianism
mass murder of a specific ethnic group
great schism
a split in the Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1418, during which time there were rival popes in rome and avignon
Hellenistic era
the age of Alexander the Great. period when the Greek language and ideas were carried to the non greek world
the major Indian religion, which had its origins in the religious beliefs of the Aryans who settled India after 1500 BCE
intellectual movement of the renaissance based on the study of the humanities
the extension of a nations power over other lands
indirect rule
colonial govt in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status
German for Caesar, the title of the emperors of the second German empire
a popular philosophy developed in China toward the end of the Zhou dynasty. proposes that human beings are evil by nature and can only be brought to the correct path by harsh laws
Mandate of Heaven
claim by chinese kings of the Zhou dynasty that they had direct authority from heaven to rule and to keep order in the universe
a set of principles that dominated economic thought in the seventeenth century; it held that the prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of gold and silver
getting ready for war
Monroe doctrine
USA policy guaranteeing the independence of Latin American nations and warning against European intervention in the Americas
Neolithic revolution
the shift from hunting of animals and gathering of good to the keeping of animals and growing of food. around 8000 BCE
NEP, new economic policy
Lenin in 1921/modified capitalism to replace communism in russia
rule of the few, a form of govt in which a small group of people exercises control
Paleolithic age
early period of human history, from approx 2,500,000 to 10,000 BCE. aka old Stone Age
planned economy
an economic system directed by govt agencies
a social class in the roman republic that was made up of minor landholders, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers
popular vote
an artistic movement that emerged in the 1980s, it’s artists do not expect rationality in the world and are comfortable with many “truths”
the sale of govt owned companies to private firms
a system of thought expounded by rene Descartes based in the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge
mid 19th cent movement that rejected romanticism and sought to portray lower and middle class life as it actually was
an intellectual movement that emerged at the end of the 18th cent in reaction to the ideas of the enlightenment; it stressed feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing
sans culottes
without breeches, members of the paris commune who considered themselves ordinary patriots
indifference to or rejection of religion
separation of powers
a form of govt in which the executive, legislative, and judicial branches limit and control each other through a system of checks and balances
Japanese state religion
Silk Road
between Roman Empire and China
social contract
the concept proposed by Rousseau that an entire society agrees to be governed by it’s general will, and all individuals should be forced to abide by the general will since it represents what’s best for the entire community
society, usually in form of govt, controls and owns the means of production
Socratic method
method of teaching used by the Greek philosopher Socrates, it employs question and answer format to lead pupils to see things for themselves by using their own reason
sphere of influence
an areas in which a foreign power has been granted exclusive rights and privileges, such as trading rights and mining privileges
state capitalism
economic system in which the central govt plays an active role in the economy, establishing price and wage policies and subsiding vital industries
stateless society
a group of independent villages organized into clans and led by a local ruler or clan head without any central govt
totalitarian state
a govt that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens
discovery of the new world
World War One dates
when did USA come into ww1
year of stock market crash
world war 2 dates
american revolution date
French Revolution date
about 1786
Napoleon date
1796 ish
feudalism went along with
if you can think it, it can exist. allegory of cave. cannot trust senses. wrote “the republic”, thought democracies were terrible
if u can’t taste it, touch it, smell it, see it, is doesn’t matter. classification system.
american civil war dates
Africa to the USA was called the
middle passage
iron curtain
line between soviet and non soviets / west and east europe
mercantilism says
colonies should exist for the benefit of the mother country
fall of rome date
crusades date about
Renaissance dates about
Byzantines were what religion
world war 1 alliances were
firstly, triple alliance (italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany) and triple entente (france, UK, Russia), then central powers (still Austria Hungary, Germany, now ottoman Turks) and allies (france, italy, japan, UK, russia, USA)
John Locke came up with
life, liberty, and property. natural rights.
popular sovereignty
people chose what govt they want
Machiavelli ?
the prince. it is better to be feared than loved. the ends justify the means.
society is evil, but the govt that govt least is the best
adam smith
laissez faire (let the people do what they want)
USA came into ww2
China after republic
1912 republic 1939 Japanese come in (rape of Nanking) 1945 Japanese leave then civil war communists win
judicial dual
aka trial by combat. Germanic law used to have two people fight and whoever won was proclaimed right
trial by jury
jury makes decision
trial by ordeal
they would subject the accused to an unpleasant, sometimes dangerous experience. proof of innocence was survival.
“golden age of India”
Gupta empire
Rwanda genocide was of ____ by the ____
Tutsi, Hutu
legalism said
people need rules to force then to behave morally
representative democracy
aka rep govt. electing officials representing a group of people rather than having a direct democracy
Berlin conference
to divide africa among European nations
congress of Vienna
to provide a long term peace for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the french rev wars and napol wars
ww2 alliances
axis (italy, Germany, japan)
allied (Britain, us, russia)
North Atlantic treaty organization. people against communism
Warsaw Pact
people for Stalin / communism