Scientific Processes Flashcards
define opportunity sampling and evaluate
particiapnts happen to be avaliable at the time the study is being done - recruited conveninetly
* time saving and less costly
* not representative of whole poopulation= lacks generalisability
* researcher bias - they control who they want to select
define random sampling and evaluate
all members of a population have the same equal chances of being the one that is selected
- each meber of the population is assigned a number then random number generator is used to randomly pick
* no researcher bias - no influecne over who is picked
* time consuming - neeed to have a list of members of population (sampling frame ) and contracting them
* volunteer bias - particiapnts can refuse to take part so sample can be unrepresentative
define systematic sampling and evaluate
a predetermined system is used where everu nth member is selected from sampling frame. selection is applied consistently
* avoids researcher bias and usally fairly representative of popualtion
* not truly unbiased unless use a random number generator
define stratified sampling and evaluate
compostion of sample reflects the varying proportions of people in subgroups within wider population
- identify strat
- calcuate the required proprtion needed for each stratum based on target population
- selct sample at random from each stratum using random selection method
- no researcher bias- stratum selction is random
- produces representative data due to proportional strata
- time consiming to identfy strata and contact people from each
- complete representation of target population is not possible as the indeified strata cannot reflect all the differences between the people of the wider popualtion
define volunteer sampling and evaluate
self selection- participant offers to take part in study
* quick access to willing partipant = not time consuming
* particiaptns are more likely to cooperate in the study
* volunteer bias - study may attract a particular profile of a person = affects generalisability
* motivations like money could be driving participant= may not tkae study seriously
what is the differnce between popualtion and sample
population is a gorup of people from who the sample is drawn
statment that states the relationship between the variables being investigated
- directional/ one tailed
- non directional/ two tailed
- null hypothesis
- alternative
- iv operationalised
- dv operationalised
- direction
- both conditions
EG: particpatns who attend a revison session will have higher test scores than those who dont attend a session
hypothesis should be non directional:
* no previous research
* inconsistent findings
define an aim
statment made by researcher tell us what they plan on investigating and the purpose fo the study
define extraneous variables
any other variable taht is not the IV that affefcts the DV and does not vary systematically with teh IV
* lighitng in lab
* age of participants
define cofounding variables
variable other than IV that effects DV. they do not change systematically with the IV = difficult for researcher to be sure of origin and impact on DV
eg: sleep
define demand characteristics
any cue the researcher or situation may give which makes the participant guess the aim of the investigation
cause participant to act differently
participant reactivity- from start try and guess aim
- “please U effect”- act in a way they think researcher wants them to
- “screw U effect”- unintentionally underperform to sabotage the results
= effects valdity
define investigator effects
caused by participant reactivity
unwatned infleuce from the researcher behaviour - conscious or unconscious- on the DV
* design of the study
* selection of participants
* interaction with each particpant
how to prevent demand characteristics
- single blind studies
- matched pairs
- double blind
how to prevent investigator effects
- double blind
- randomisation sample
- counterbalancing (controlling order effects in repeated measures design)
- standardisation - participant told to do excat same thing
define randomisation
*to minimise effects of extraneous or cofounding variables
*use of chance to reduce effects of investigator effects:
* done for the design of materials
* order of conditions
* selection of participants