Scientific Basis of Flexibility Training Flashcards
Muscular Flexibility
- ability of a muscle to lengthen
- allows joints to move through a ROM
- important part of muscle function
- depends on: ability of muscles to relax and lengthen, arthrokinematics and osteokinematics of joints, ability of connective tissue to be deformed
- achievement of ideal flexibility can prevent injury, enhance functional performance, assist in rehab of injury
Loss of Muscular Flexibility
- decrease in ability of muscle to deform
- results in decreased joint ROM
Stretching Exercise
- any process with the purpose of elongating soft tissue structures-we use mobilization when describing this process in nervous tissue
- we may wish to increase ROM, increase pathologically shortened tissues
General Goals of a Flexibility Program
- increased joint ROM by altering muscle extensibility: stretching exercise increases joint ROM
- 3 main types of flexibility training: static, ballistic, PNF stretching
Scientific Basis for Increasing Muscle Flexibility
- physical therapists must understand must understand muscle properties to effectively stretch a muscle
- mechanical properties of connective tissue
- neurophysiologic properties of connective tissue
Mechanical Properties of Connective Tissue Anatomy
- contractile element (CE): undergoes some change with stretch
- series elastic component (SEC): connective tissue component, lies in series with muscle fibers
- parallel elastic component (PEC): connective tissue component, lies parallel with muscle fibers
Mechanical Properties of Muscle
- muscle stiffness describes resistance to deformation
- connective tissue provides most of muscle’s mechanical stiffness
- properties of connective tissue are largely determined by its extracellular matrix: water, fibrous components, proteoglycans, glycoproteins
Components of Connective Tissue
- water: integral component, allows connective tissues to stretch and rebound
- fibrous components: elastin and collagen both resist tension, elastin has greater rebound and lesser tensile strength, collagen has greater tensile and less rebound
- proteoglycans: have tendency to attract water, thus serve to maintain space between collagen fibers
- glycoproteins: stabilize extracellular matrix
Connective Tissue Composition: Collagen Fibers
- 30% of the protein in the human body
- provides strength and stiffness
- resist tensile deformation
- fiber orientation varies with tissue
- skin: fibers are random, poor at resisting tension
- tendons: fibers are more parallel, good at resisting tension
- joint capsule, ligaments, and fascia: variable orientation, more load, more parallel orientation
Deformation of Connective Tissue
- zone : toe region, removes crimp in tissue
- zone II: elastic region, region of tissue resistance
- zone III: plastic region, region of microfailure
- zone IV: complete failure, seen with manipulation, etc
- PTs work primarily in zones II and III
Deformation of Connective Tissue: Viscoelasticity
- dual nature of tissues: viscosity, elasticity
- time and load dependent
- tissue relaxes when load removed
- allows slow loading and slow tissue relaxation
- ex: tx on fx femur, tx on scoliosis
Factors Affecting Collagen Connective Tissues
- activity level
- immobilization
- age
- corticosteroids (make CT way more brittle, decreases elasticity)
- temperature
Contractile Tissue Response to Stretch: Acute Response
- some mechanical disruption of cross bridges
- filaments slide apart
- sarcomeres return to resting length
- SEC and PEC change elastically
- net effect: lesser tissue stiffness
Contractile Tissue Response to Stretch: Chronic Adaptation
- sarcomeres: added or removed, to accommodate new length
- increased connective tissue production: when immobilized in a shortened position, a means to protect the muscle when stretched
- net effect: muscle usually generates less force from less effective position
Neurophysiologic Properties of Connective Tissue
- muscle spindle fibers
- golgi tendon organs
- autogenic inhibition
- reciprocal inhibition
Muscle Spindle Fibers
- contribute to proprioception
- located within muscle belly
- specialized receptor consisting of: unique muscle fibers (intrafusal fibers), sensory endings, motor endings
- intrafusal fibers connecting to extrafusal fibers: thus, stretching muscle stretches muscle spindle
- sensory ending respond to changes in: muscle length, velocity of change in length
- quick stretch –> message to CNS –> protective muscle contraction
- type Ia –> spinal cord –> alpha motor unit
- resists attempt of muscle to elongate
Golgi Tendon Organs (GTOs)
- contribute to proprioception
- encapsulated at junction of extrafusal fibers and tendons
- attached in series
- sensitive to change in tension: passive stretch, active muscular action
- serves to prevent overactivity of alpha motor neurons
- GTO fibers with overstimulation: prolonged stretch, prolonged isometric action
- GTO –> type Ib sensory nerve –> spinal cord –> inhibition of MU
- can override input from muscle spindle fiber
- thus allows relaxation –> elongation
Autogenic Inhibition
- stimulation of muscle causing its neurologic relaxation
- occurs with activation of GTO
- serves as basis for static stretching and some PNF stretching techniques
Reciprocal Inhibition
- stimulation of muscle causing neurologic relaxation of its antagonist
- helps ensure ability to move through available ROM
- serves as basis for some PNF stretching techniques
Static Stretching
- muscle is slowly elongated
- positioned to tolerance and maintained
- individual feels in this position: mild tension, mild discomfort
- extreme pain or discomfort should be avoided
- slow, prolonged stretch helps to: circumvent muscle spindle reflex, facilitates muscle inhibition via GTOs
- thus combined neuro effect is to minimize influence of muscle spindle fibers, maximize influence of GTOs
Application of Static Stretching
- most research done on LE
- duration of 15-60 sec
- results: 30-60 sec consistently found more effective than 15 sec or no stretching
- recent studies consistently show decreased force immediately following: vertical jump, 40 yd dash
Ballistic Stretching
- imposes high tension on stretched muscle
- consists of repetitive bouncing movements
- invokes muscle spindle fiber reflex arc
- research indicates increased muscle flexibility
- some concerns re: potential for muscle injury
Application of Ballistic Stretching
- used less commonly in fitness or rehab settings: start with static stretching and progress based on individual ability/need
- yet if used appropriately: plays important role in training athletes, secondary to highly ballistic nature of most athletic activities
- not recommended where injury is a possibility: elderly, post-immobilization, joint instability, acute injury
- must monitor more closely
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Stretching
- developed by Knott and Voss
- promoting or hastening the response of a neuromuscular mechanism through stimulation of proprioceptor
- PNF has both flexibility and strengthening components
- research indicates: PNF stretching is effective for increased flexibility
- no consensus on which PNF technique is best
PNF Stretching
- terminology has varied and thus some confusion exists
- some of confusion secondary: Knott and Voss originally described stretching exercises in diagonal patterns, many clinicians now apply in cardinal planes
- a number of PNF techniques exist
PNF: Hold-Relax
- limb passively moved to end ROM
- individual applies 10s isometric of agonist against immovable resistance: stimulates GTO –> autogenic inhibition –> relaxation
- limb passively moved to new end ROM: held in static stretch 10-30 sec
- may be repeated 3-5 times before returning to starting position
PNF: Contract-Relax
- limb passively moved to end ROM
- individual applies 10s isometric of antagonist against immovable resistance: stimulates reciprocal inhibition –> relaxation of agonist
- limb passively moved to new end ROM: held in static stretch, 10-30 sec
- may be repeated 3-5 times before returning to starting position
Short Duration Stretching
- maintain at least 30 seconds
- ex: manual traction, static stretching
- stretches both contractile and non-contractile structures
- repeat several times
- changes in length: transient (short term), due to sarcomere give, realigning of collagen fibers, changes in neuroregulation
Long Duration Stretching
- low intensity stretch
- ex: various traction devices,dynamic splints
- maintained 20+ minutes
- changes in length: due to increased number of sarcomeres over time, noncontractile tissue undergoes plastic deformation (creep)
Benefits of Increased Flexibility
- increased ROM
- improved capacity for circulation and oxygen exchange
- muscle stiffness: facilitates easier, smoother muscular action
- decreased soreness associated with other physical activity
- improved body awareness
- decreased muscular tension, increased relaxation
- maintain ease of movement
- improved coordination
Clinical Guidelines for Stretching
- research has yet to identify one method as most beneficial for all applications: static, ballistic, and PNF all increased flexibility
- static stretching easiest to used: but linked to decrease performance for many activities
- greatest risk for ballistic: but most beneficial for athletes
- PNF requires greatest expertise and 2nd individual
Clinical Guidelines for Static Stretching
- isolate muscle or muscle group to be stretched
- ensure proper position and alignment
- stretch only through normal joint ROM
- stretch to point of discomfort and hold
- hold endpoints progressively for a minimum of 30 seconds
- perform 3-4 reps for each major muscle group
- emphasize proper breathing during stretch
- ASCM recommends 2-3/week
- attempt to integrate stretching into client’s daily routine
- ideally stretch after activity
- strengthen muscle in newly acquired ROM
- comfort in positioning –> ANS –> more effective stretching
Contraindications for Flexibilit Training
- recent unhealed fracture
- local hematoma
- joint motion limited by bony block
- sharp pain during stretch
- uncontrolled muscle cramping whit attempt to stretch
- infection affecting joint or surrounding tissues
- acute inflammation affecting joint or surrounding tissues
- when contracture improves function: tenodesis grasp of quadriplegic
- exercise particular caution in patients with: known or suspected osteoporosis, weak muscles
Take Home Messages
- muscular flexibility is a component of comprehensive exercise testing and prescription
- flexibility is the product of many factors: mechanically, neurophysiological, lifestyle
- static ballistic and PNF stretching each have relative merits and drawbacks
- physical therapists should be able to appropriately integrate flexibility exercise into fitness and rehab programs