science vs religion Flashcards
studies how the world works
limits to it
how the world came to be
can science answer everything
understand why the world works this way
why were here
purpose of being here/life
what is life and what is it for?
the different truths
all philisophical question- aquestion that asks what the deeper meaning is of things in the word that we can see or experience
Scientific method-
carry out observation, form a question
create a hypothesis
design and carry out experiments
analyse data see if hypothesis if correct
draw a conclusion
you can then create a scientific theory-based on the results
science vs religion -agreeing with both sides points
both provide deep meanings and philosophical questions that both can provide answers in different ways.
both provide different truths and offer deeper purposes, embrace changes because they can both be compatible-both existing and being correct at the same time
science vs religion-agreeing with religion
some may believe religion is the way to go because it has a more deeper meaning with holy books as their source and guide to act and strong evidence like miracles e.t.c.
this life is a test to see who will have faith and belive in god as their way of life
science vs religion- agreeing with science
more easier route to follow something you can see for yourself with backed evidence and reliable data from well known intellectual people like scientists.