Science Test Flashcards
When pressure is applied to a fluid in a closed container the pressure increases by the same amount everywhere in the container
Pascal’s Principle
The pressure of a fluid decreases when the speed of the fluid increases
Bernoulli’s principle
The ping pong ball balanced carefully in the air stream of the blow dryer.
Bernoulli’s Principle
The Titanic stayed afloat for about 2 hours allowing time for most the passengers to be saved.
Archimedes’ Principle
The car screeched to a stop to avoid running over the ball that had rolled into the street.
Pascal’s Principle
An object at rest remains at rest an object in motion remains in motion at a constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
Newton’s Law #1
The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of an object and the amount of force applied.
Newton’s Law #2
For every action there is an equal opposite reaction.
Newton’s Law #3
A passenger stepped onto the bottom step of the bus entrance
Law #3
The soccer ball shot down the field until it hit the goal
Law #1
It was much harder to move the grocery cart,once I had loaded the 10-2-liter bottles of soda into it
Law #2
When doing your homework,your pencil pushes on the paper and the paper pushes back
Law #3
It is easier to push the bicycle than to push a car
Law #2
The golf ball was perched on the tree
Law #1
The gears groaned with effort as they lifted the filled-to-capacity cars to the top of the first hill
Law #2