Science Core Concepts Flashcards
(Two air-tight cans of equal weight are placed on opposite sides of a weighing scale. Both the cans on the left and on the right contain 2 pages of bond paper. The bond papers on the right can be lighted and burned while keeping the cover air-tight.)
1. After burning, what will happen to the arrow at the middle of the weighing scale if it points to the direction of the heavier side?
a. It will point to the left.
b. It will point to the right.
c. It will remain at the middle.
d. I will know when I get to high school.
e. None of the above.
If the cover of the cans is removed before burning the bond papers on the right can, where will the arrow point at?
a. It will point to the left.
b. It will point to the right.
c. It will remain at the middle.
d. I will know when I get to high school.
e. None of the above.
A hot air balloon pilot loosens the burner valve when he wants to go up and tightens it when he wants to go down.
What is the relationship of the loosening and tightening of valve to the rate of burning of gas in the burner?
a. Tightening the valve increases rate of burning.
b. Tightening the valve decreases rate of burning.
c. Loosening the valve does not do anything.
d. Loosening the valve decreases rate of burning.
e. None of the above.
What is the relationship of the increase or decrease in burning to the temperature of the gas inside the balloon?
a. Increased burning increases gas temperature.
b. Increased burning decreases gas temperature.
c. Decreased burning increases gas temperature.
d. There is no relation.
e. None of the above.
When the temperature of the gas increases, its density:
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same
d. Increases then decreases
e. None of the above
A fluid of lower density will tend to ______ a fluid of higher density.
a. Sink below
b. Rise above
c. Remain the same
d. Rise and sink
During a thunderstorm one can observe a display of lights crossing from the clouds to the ground.
The lightning is first seen before thunder can be heard; how can you explain this phenomenon?
a. Light travels while sound does not.
b. Light travels faster than sound.
c. Light travels slower than sound.
d. Light and sound travel at different time zones.
e. None of the above.
During a thunderstorm one can observe a display of lights crossing from the clouds to the ground.
The sound produced when lightning strikes is due to…
a. The force of the lightning hitting the ground.
b. The clouds colliding to each other.
c. The Greek God Zeus running through the clouds.
d. The expansion of air around the path of the lightning.
e. None of the above
During a thunderstorm one can observe a display of lights crossing from the clouds to the ground.
Lightning strikes the ground because of…
a. A difference in height.
b. A difference in electrical charge.
c. A difference in mass.
d. A difference in temperature.
e. None of the above.
A truck, a car, and a motorbike are moving at the same speed on an express highway.
Which among the following is true?
a. The motorbike is fastest because it is the lightest.
b. The truck is most difficult for the car to overtake.
c. The truck is the fastest because it is the heaviest.
d. It will be easier for the motorcycle to stop
A truck, a car, and a motorbike are moving at the same speed on an express highway.
Which among the three will require the largest force to be able to stop?
a. Truck
b. Car
c. Motorcycle
d. All will require the same force
(An alarm clock is placed inside a vacuum tube and is allowed to ring.)
Which among the following is true?
a. The clock will not be able to ring
b. The clock will be able to ring but will not be heard
c. The clock will ring but will immediately stop because it is in a vacuum
d. The clock will disintegrate
e. None of the above
(An alarm clock is placed inside a vacuum tube and is allowed to ring.)
The ringing cannot be perceived outside the vacuum tube because?
a. The tube walls are blocking the sound
b. The sound travels very slowly
c. Sound needs air to travel
d. Air inside the tube is too dense for sound to travel
e. None of the above
(An alarm clock is placed inside a vacuum tube and is allowed to ring.)
Vacuum means:
a. That there is practically no air inside the tube
b. There is a very dense air inside the tube
c. The tube walls are very rigid
d. The tube is in space
Since the success of the USA and USSR in putting objects in space, nations around the world have launched numerous artificial satellites to orbit the earth for purposes of communication and weaponry.
They are called artificial satellites because ___.
a. They are made from artificial metal
b. They are made from plastic and alloys
c. They are made by humans and therefore not naturally found in space
d. They fall down after some time
e. None of the above
Since the success of the USA and USSR in putting objects in space, nations around the world have launched numerous artificial satellites to orbit the earth for purposes of communication and weaponry.
A satellite does not fall down on earth after it is set on orbit. Why is this so?
a. There is no gravity in space
b. Force due to gravity in space is very small
c. The pull of gravity causes it to stay on orbit
d. Satellites are designed with super high technology anti-gravity mechanisms
e. None of the above
(In the Philippines, air conditioners are used for cooling a room to a desired temperature.)
You have observed that water is dripping from a tube connected to the air conditioner. Why is this so?
- a. Water is used in cooling the air
- b. Water is used to prevent the machine from overheating
- c. Water condenses because of low temperature inside the machine
(In the Philippines, air conditioners are used for cooling a room to a desired temperature.)
You have observed that when you place yourself at the rear end of the air conditioner outside your building, you feel hot air flowing from the machine. Which among the following is true?
- a. The hot air is due to the machine overheating
- b. The hot air is due to the heat removed from the room
- c. The hot air is due to the friction happening somewhere inside the machine
- d. It is just your imagination
- e. None of the above
In the scene of a crime, inspectors can use the body temperature of a dead victim to estimate the time of his death and therefore the time of the crime.
Which among the following is false?
- a. The body no longer generates heat immediately after death
- b. The body cools down after death
- c. The body no longer generates heat some time after death
- d. All of these are true
- e. None of the above
In the scene of a crime, inspectors can use the body temperature of a dead victim to estimate the time of his death and therefore the time of the crime.
Which among the following parts of the body generates most of the heat needed by the body?
- a. Skin
- b. Brain and nerves
- c. Muscles
- d. None of the above
Two survivors from a sinking ship are floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. One advises the other not to drink the seawater.
Why shouldn’t one drink from seawater when he is thirsty?
- a. Sea water does not taste good
- b. It will make you more thirsty
- c. It has germs
- d. Sea water contains high amount of salt
- e. b and d
Two survivors from a sinking ship are floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. One advises the other not to drink the seawater.
The two survivors felt thirsty faster while they are submerged in sea water than when they are not. Why is this so?
- a. Water comes out of their body through their skin
- b. Sea water is warmer
- c. They are lighter on water
- d. Swimming makes the body consume more water
- e. None of the above
It is an organized structure of DNA and protein found in cells.
- a. genes
- b. chromosomes
- c. alleles
- d. nucleus
- e. none of the above
Fibrous tissue that connects bones to each other.
- a. cartilage
- b. tendons
- c. ligaments
- d. joints
Which of the following is composed of nervous tissue?
- a. heart
- b. skin
- c. spinal chord
- d. none of the above
It is an interaction between two organisms, in which each individual benefits from the other.
- a. commensalism
- b. parasitism
- c. mutualism
- d. competition
- e. none of the above
The growth of algae in ponds and lakes that occurs when nitrates from the soil escape into groundwater is called:
- a. algal bloom
- b. eutrophication
- c. prolagacia
- d. lichenification
- e. none of the above
It is the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals:
- a. habitat
- b. niche
- c. fitness
- d. karyotype
- e. none of the above
Which of the following is not found in our DNA?
- a. thymine
- b. adenine
- c. guanine
- d. uracil
- e. none of the above
It is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes into two identical sets in two nuclei.
- a. mitosis
- b. meiosis
- c. diffusion
- d. osmosis
- e. none of the above