science and technology Flashcards
vu khi hat nhan
nuclear weapon
xa hoi phat trien cao ve khoa hoc ki thuat
high-tech society
du hanh vu tru
space exploration
nganh cong nghiep tu dong
auto industry
chay bang (xang, dau)
run on
he thong xe tu lai
self-driving automobile system
tan suat
ki thuat thong tin
information technology
mot phan nho
tri thong minh nhan tao
artificial intelligence
loi thoi, thua thai
noi dung tren internet
web content
ki thuat tien tien nhat
state-of-the-art technology
tan dung cai gi
make optimal use of
tieu ton cai gi
burn sth out
con dao hai luoi
double-edged sword
san pham phu
giao tiep qua mang khong day
wireless communication
mang di dong
mobile internet
cuoc goi duong dai
long-distance phone call
khoa hoc/dai hoc truc tuyen
online university/online degree program
chia se du lieu
file sharing
cong dong online
online community
tro nen loi thoi
become obsolete
ki thuat san xuat hang loat
mass-production technology
qua trinh tieu ton thoi gian
time-consuming process
su bien doi gen
genetic modification
ki thuat gene
genetic engineering
giu bang sang che
hold a patent
mot buoc phat trien quan trong
significant breakthrough
dung cu toi tan
the latest gadget
su kham pha ve khoa hoc
scientific discovery
chuong trinh tu dong hoa
computerized program
tranh cai ve quyen so huu
property disagreement
cai tien ve cong nghe
technological advancements
ki tich ve cong nghe
technological miracle
sach dien tu