laws and policies Flashcards
public transportation
phuong tien cong cong
traffic congestion/trafffic jams
un tac giao thong
cat giam
cut back on
su su dung
vi pham quyen
violate the right
lach luat, pham luat
skirt law
giai quyet
nhan vien hop dong
independent contractor
thi hanh chinh sach
implement policy
ap dat luat le
impose strict rules
khong co hieu luc
tir le toi pham
crime rate
doi bao ve
security team
an toan ca nhan
personal safety
nha lap phap
ban tinh con nguoi
human nature
tuan tra thuong xuyen
on regular patron
mac no
run up debt (on)
nuoc dang phat trien
developing country
cap phi
finance (v)
dua vao can nhac
take sth into consideration
khoan thu tu thue
tax revenue
thieu/khan hiem
be short of
nghi huu
dựa vào
rely upon/on
luc luong lao dong
work force/labour force
he thong an sinh xa hoi
social security system
vuot len tren
stay ahead of
doi thu canh tranh
ti le that nghiep
unemployment rate
chi phi dich vu tien ich
utility bill
he thong giao thong van tai
transportation sytem
ket xe
be stuck in traffic
cam thay an toan
feel secure
ngan ngua toi pham
crime prevention
co so ha tang quoc gia
the country’s infrastructure
gia tang dan so
population growth/increase
tien bo ve mat xa hoi
social progress
goc tiep can thien can
a short-sighted approach
tro cap chinh phu
government subsidy
thuc day loi ich cong dong
promote the public good
trach nhiem nha lanh dao
leader’s responsibilities
quy cuu ho
relief fund
a justifiable reason
li do thuyet phuc
nen kinh te tri tre
slow economy
thuc day tang truong kinh te
foster economic growth
vuot qua ngan sach
beyond budget
quoc gia phat trien
advanced/developed country