Science and Philosophy: Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and Primal Man Flashcards
How was the scientific method used to refute classical and church teachings in the 16th and 17th centuries?
-Contradicted geocentric theory and Aristotle’s model
Define and chronicle these major discoveries of scientific revolution: scientific method, heliocentric theory, geocentric theory
- Geocentric theory- Earth=center
- Heliocentric theory- Sun=center(created by Copernicus)
- Scientific method- created by Bacon
How did the church react to new scientific discoveries of 16th and 17th centuries?
- Refuted them
- Considered them heresey
Deism? How did it impact philosophes and their outlook of the universe/man?
- Belief in God, but denial of religion
- Reject His involvement in nature (especially it’s formation)
Mechanism? The concept of universal law?
- Universe/nature is much like a machine
- Created by Newton-Guides all things in nature
Inductive vs. deductive reasoning?
- Inductive-Bacon-Empiricism rules/ laws govern the universe (mechanism??)
- Deductive-Descartes-Reasoning alone
French philosophers that study (get this) philosophy (gasp, who would’ve guessed)
What modern views developed in the 18th century?
-Rationality, progress, and optimism
Three main characteristics of the Romanticism movement?
-An intellectual, literary, and artistic movement (“truth” whatever that means… -_-)
Romanticism rejected what?
Natural selection?
-Struggle for survival- life in nature
Survival of the fittest?
-Evolved from low animals, rejected by religions
Theory of evolution? What was its impact on man’s view of himself/the universe/religion?
-When organisms developed from earlier forms in earth’s history
What was the debate (and between who) about evolution vs. creation and it’s impact on science/philosophy?
Marx, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche - instinctual
Darwin’s impact on science/philosophy?
-Creation of man (in relation to science)