Science and Emotion Flashcards
F: Objectivity to prevent bias
Science must remain objective as a vested interest can skew the results of an experiment
Especially with subjective measurements, personal bias could influence experiment conclusions
Example: Andrew Wakefield and the MMR vaccine
Investigated side effects and potential association with autism
The investigation was funded by parents whose children had autism and a law firm suing the MMR vaccine company. The flawed, small study had wide-reaching effects - which are still seen in measles outbreaks today
Mitigate bias:
Single-blind: the patient does not know what treatment they are receiving
Double-blind: doctor and patients are unaware of group allocation
Justice: must treat patients based on medical need, not affection levels
Transplant list: very specific criteria used for organ transplantation. Need to make an objective assessment of a patient’s needs and the presence of contraindications - alcohol use, drug use, compliance, psychiatric
If you are dishonest in your assessment (or biased) affection for one patient could cause harm to another
Separate personal emotions from clinical treatment and decision making
A doctor may hold different religious or moral beliefs to a patient, but they should still provide the optimal care for that patient
A catholic doctor may choose to abstain from contraception, but could still provide it for their patients
Emotions can cloud clinical judgment and decision making
Doctors are not allowed to treat family members or friends
Could not be objective - may feel emotional pressure or debt to close relatives/friends
A poor outcome for one patient, should not change objective decision making for the next.
15-week amniocentesis: 1% risk of miscarriage
If one patient suffers a miscarriage, must remain objective, still recommend to the next
→ evidence-based medicine, objective decision making based on fact.
Emotional investment in a patient’s care may make it harder for the doctor
Doctors are given as examples of scientists
Empathy and compassion are crucial: help build the doctor-patient relationship
This leads to a better standard of care and more patient-focused decision making
Allows for disclosures about true concerns or symptoms needed to make a diagnosis
Emotional intelligence is particularly important in consultations regarding mental health
Patient in a vulnerable state: needs sensitive support and discussions.
Important to understand the balance between physical and mental health
Emotional awareness required to consider the impact of an investigation: ethical evaluations
E.g. human cloning, embryonic testing
Animal testing
Emotions → investment and passion in work → progress
Scientists pursue their careers due to enjoyment in the field and special interests - provides motivation and encourages perseverance and effort to finds answers to hypotheses
Curiosity: scientists need a reason to conduct experiments.