Science Flashcards
Open belief system as it is open to scrutiny, questioning and criticsm.
Features of science
Replication - procedures should be open to be replicated by other scientists
Objectivity - personal feelings must be ignored
Empirical - based on evidence that is observable and available to the sense
Different definitions of relgion
Substantive definition
Religions involves belief in spiritual beings
- ignores religious practices
- different classification of beliefs as religious e.g amba tripe doesn’t involve reference to god or forms of religious practices
Functional definitions
Defining religions in terms of what it does and how it functions for society and individuals.
- wide definition of religion involving any belief system which involves strong sense of collective values of the shared view of the world
- anytbing that helps achieve stability
Polythetic definition
- a relationship with god or similar, a concern with the sacred, concern with salvation from this world, ritual practices
- does not involve clear line between religious and non religious groups
Working definition. Religion involve a set of symbols invoking feelings or references. Linked to rituals or ceremonies engaged by a community of followers.
E.g football
Belief system that Individuals are devoted to and gives meaning and purpose to their life’s
Traditional view of relgion which makes references to god or similar