Science Flashcards
An eclipse of the sun throws the shadow of the
moon on the earth
Substances that hasten a chemical reaction without themselves undergoing change are called
Lack of iodine is often related to what disease
Under natural conditions, large quan of organic matter decay therefore
soils maintain their fertility
The thin layer that forms the front of the eyeball is called the
The most likely reason why dinosaurs became extinct was that they
Failed to adapt to a changing environment
Which of the following is a chemical change
Burning one pound of coal
A person with high blood pressure should
avoid salt
The chief nutrient in lean meat is
Spiders can be distinguished from insects by the fact that spiders have
four pairs of legs
An important ore of uranium is called
Of the following the lightest element known on earth is
Of the following gases in the air, the most plentiful is
The time it takes for light from the sun to reach the earth is approximately
8 minutes
Of the following types of clouds, the ones that occur at the greatest height are
New drug test. Group A takes drug. Group B takes sugar pill. Group B called
An experimental control
After adding salt to water, the freezing point of the water is
Radium is stored in lead containers because
the lead absorbs the harmful radiation
The type of joint that attaches the arm to the shoulder blade is the
Ball and socket
Limes were eaten by British sailors in order to prevent
The time that it takes for the Earth to rotate 45 degrees is
3 hours
Of the following planets, the one that has the shortest revolutionary period around the sun is
What is the negative particle that circles the nucleus of the atom
In the International System of Units, a measurement for mass is a
What is energy called that is derived from the Earth’s internal heat?
Compouds that include fat and oils found in foods and the human body are
Resistance is the tendency for a material to oppose the flow of electrons and is measured in
In order for a lunar eclipse to take place the
earth’s axis of rotation must point toward the moon
A scientist who studies animals would be called a
A group of tissues in the human body which work together is
What is an insect scientist called
A “dalton” is a unit of measurement for measuring
The adult human of average age and size has approximately how many quarts of blood
The smallest of the FORMED elements of the blood are the
Polaris is
North Star
A fish breathes with
The type of element an atom is is determined by
the number of protons
Seasons are caused primarily by
the Earth’s tilting on its axis
Planets in our solar system rotate
counter clockwise
A common name for sodium chloride (NaCI) is
Animals that eat plants AND other animals are called
Which planet in the solar system has the least surface gravity
Which planet in the solar system has the least surface gravity
How many legs does an arachnid have
A herpetologist would be primarily concerned with the study of
Excepting the three tiny bones in each ear, how many bones are there in a normal adult skeleton
An elephant can not
Blood is returned to the heart through tubes called
What kind of bird can build a nest which weighs more than a ton
Bald eagle
Paleontologist studies
Which panet in our solar system has the shortest year
Chloroplasts are found in which type of cells
Plant Cells
Your forearm contains two bones. The ulna and
Which planet in our solar system has the longest day
Which of the Earth’s NATURAL elements has the highest atomic number
The lowest or most narrow level of the classification of organisms is called
Water freezes at what temperature
0 degrees C
Is burning charcoal in your BBQ a chemical reaction
Where are electrons found in an atom
in orbital layers around the nucleus
H2O is the chemical formula for
water and ice
What percentage of elements are metals
How many meters are there in one kilometer
An oxide is formed when an element is chemically combined with what type of specific element
A very strong acid would have a pH closer to
Carbon has an atomic number of 6. How many protons would the element contain?
Elements with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are called
What percentage of the worlds population lives in the United States?
6 percent
Which is the deepest ocean
Pacific Ocean
Which of the planets in our solar system has the most known moons
What does the color of a start signify
surface temperature
What planet does the moon named Io orbit
help plant cells turn sunlight into energy for the plant
has a higher atomic number than uranium but is not a NATURAL element
Makes up 78% of the gases in the air
Has 60 known moons
Pacific Ocean
averages about 4,000 meters deep
Star color
Blue stars are hotter than red stars
Citrus fruits include
oranges. (Citrus fruits include lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit.)
What temperature is shown on a Fahrenheit thermometer when a centigrade thermometer reads 0 degrees?
+32 degrees
The major chemical constituent of a cell (by weight) is
water. (The major chemical constituent of a cell by importance is protein, but by weight it is water.)
The Wassermann test may indicate the presence of
syphilis. (The Wassermann test, developed by a German bacteriologist in 1906, is a blood test for syphilis. )
Alcoholic beverages contain
grain alcohol. (Wood alcohol is methyl alcohol, which is extremely toxic, drinking it may cause blindness. Isopropyl alcohol is rubbing alcohol. Glyceryl alcohol is an industrial solvent.)
The air around us is composed mostly of
Nitrogen. (Nitrogen constitutes about four-fifths of the Earth’s atmosphere by volume.)
The process that is responsible for the continuous removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is
photosynthesis. By the process of photosynthesis, green plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and replace it with oxygen.
Ringworm is caused by a
fungus. Ringworm is a skin disease caused by a fungus.
Light passes through the crystalline lense in the eye and focuses on the
retina. (Light enters the eye through the pupil (the opening in the center of the iris), travels through the transparent crystalline lens, then travels through the vitreous humor (eyeball), and finally is focused on the retina.)
Saliva contains an enzyme that acts on
carbohydrates. The salivary glands secrete the enzyme ptyalin, which acts on carbohydrates.
The vitamin that helps coagulation of the blood is
K. Vitamin K is useful in the coagulation of blood. Vitamin C prevents scurvy. Vitamin E maintains muscle tone and aids in fertility. Vitamin D prevents rickets.
The part of a ship that gives its stability by lowering the center of gravity is the
keel. A bulkhead is a wall; the anchor keeps the ship from moving; and the prow is the front of the ship.
To reduce soil acidity a farmer should use
lime. Lime is highly alkaline (base)
Which mineral is restored to the soil by plants of the pea and bean family?
Nitrates Bacteria on the roots of legumes, plants that include peas and beans, serve to fixate free nitrogen and return it to the soil as nitrates.
The greater the frequency of sound waves, the higher the pitch of the sound.
Frequency is directly related to pitch. The higher pitched a sound is, the greater its frequency is. Low-pitched sounds have low frequencies.
The food that contains the largest amount of vitamin C is
tomatoes. Most vegetables contain some vitamin C, and yellow vegetables contain more vitamin C than green ones. Tomatoes, however, are actually fruits and contain far more vitamin C than any vegetables.
The cyclotron is used to
split atoms. The cyclotron is an accelerating device that splits atoms.
The earth completes one trip around the sun approximately every
52 weeks. It takes the Earth 1 year to complete an orbit of the sun. A year contains 365 days or 52 weeks.
A person is more buoyant when swimming in saltwater than in fresh water because
salt water weighs more than an equal volume of fresh water. The weight of the salt water displaced by a human body is greater than the weight of fresh water displaced by that same body. Since the water displaced is heavier, the body is proportionally lighter and is more buoyant.
A volcanic eruption is caused by the
pressure inside Earth. Boiling lava erupts from a volcano. The force that causes the eruption is pressure inside the Earth.
The vitamin manufactured by the skin with the help of the sun is
D. Vitamin D can be found in fish-liver oils and egg yolks. It can also be manufactured within skin that is exposed to sunlight.
A tumor is a
growth. A tumor is a growth. A malignant tumor or growth is a cancer.
All types of steel contain
iron. Steel is a compound of iron and carbon.
The most important provision for a hike in hot, dry countryside is
water. The greatest danger during exercise under hot, dry conditions is dehydration. A person can survive for a relatively long period of time without food, but for only a short time without water. Hot, dry conditions make the need for water more urgent.
The moon is a
satellite. The moon is a satellite of the Earth.
During a thunderstorm, we see a lightning bolt before we hear the sound of the accompanying thunder chiefly because
the speed of light is much greater than the speed of sound. The speed of light is about a million times that of sound.
A human blood disease that has been definitely shown to be due to a hereditary factor is
sickle cell anemia. While the hereditary components of most diseases are still under study, the hereditary nature of sickle cell anemia is documented and well understood. Sickle cell anemia is most common among black people.
The number of degrees on the Fahrenheit thermometer between the freezing point and boiling point of water is
180 degrees. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit and freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 212 degrees F - 32 degrees F = 180 degrees.
An observer on Earth sees the phases of the moon because
the moon revolves around the earth. As viewed from space, one half of the moon is always illuminated by the sun. However, as the moon changes its position in its orbit around the Earth, different amounts of the illuminated side are visible from the Earth.
The temperature of the air falls at night because the earth
loses heat by radiation. Radiation is the process by which energy is transferred in space.
The normal height of a mercury barometer at sea level is
30 inches. Barometric pressure is expressed in inches. The range is generally from 28 to 31 inches.
Nitrogen fixing bacteria are found in the nodules on the roots of the
clover. Clover serves to return nitrates to the soil through the action of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules on its roots.
The vascular system of the body is concerned with
circulation of blood. The vascular system is the system of vessels for the circulation of blood. The respiratory system is concerned with respiration (breathing) and the endocrine system with enzymes.
Substance that is nonmagnetic is
aluminum. Aluminum is not magnetic. Cobalt and nickel are somewhat magnetic, while iron is highly magnetic.
To cut down on saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet, what foods should you avoid?
Cheese Milk and milk products such as cheese and butter are high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
What is not a fruit?
Potato Fruits have seeds. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and green peppers have seeds. A potato is a tuber.
The hammer, anvil, and stirrup bones lie
in the ear. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are the three tiny bones that connect the eardrum with the inner ear.
A condition not associated with heavy cigarette smoking is
slowing of the heartbeat. Cigarette smoking can speed up the heartbeat.
You are most likely to develop hypothermia when
it is very cold and your clothes are wet. The prefix hypo means below or abnormally deficient. Hypothermia is a condition in which the body’s temperature falls well below the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is very hot and you have nothing to drink, you may become dehydrated and might develop hyperthermia, overheating. Another name for rabies is hydrophobia.
The gas that is needed for burning is
oxygen. Combustion cannot occur in the absence of oxygen.
The only safe blood transfusion would be
Group O blood into Group AB person. Antigens and antibodies are hostile to one another. If antigens of a factor are introduced into a person who has antibodies toward that factor, a severe reaction and even possible death will result. Group A blood contains A antigens and B antibodies. Group B blood contains B antigens and A antibodies. Group AB blood contains A and B antigens but no antibodies. Group AB persons can receive any group blood; they are called “universal recipients.” Group O blood contains no antigens but A and B antibodies. Group O person are called “universal donors.”
The statement that best describes a “high” on a weather map is the
air pressure is greater than normal. The “highs” on a weather map are based on barometric pressure. The greater the air pressure, the higher the mercury in the barometer.
The smallest particle of gold that still retains the characteristics of gold is
an atom. An atom is the smallest part of an element that retains all the properties of the element.
Narcotics may be dangerous if used without supervision, but they are useful in medicine because they
relieve pain. The action of narcotics is to deaden pain.
The primary reason why fungi are often found growing in abundance deep in the forest is that they have a
plentiful supply of organic matter. Fungi do not contain chlorophyll so they cannot produce their own food through photosynthesis. Since fungi must rely for their food upon decaying organic matter, the forest is a hospitable home.
The presence of coal deposits in Alaska shows that at one time Alaska
had a tropical climate. Coal is formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter under the influence of moisture, pressure, and temperature, and in the absence of air. If there is coal in Alaska, their must once have been abundant vegetation in Alaska.
If a person has been injured in an accident and damage to the back and neck is suspected, it is best
to wait for professional help. Damage to the neck and back is especially dangerous because the spinal cord is so vulnerable. Once the spinal cord is severed, paralysis is inevitable and irreversible, so if there is any question of back or neck injury, the person should be moved only by a skilled professional.
A 1000 ton ship must displace a weight of water equal to
1000 tons.
Vitamin C is also known as
ascorbic acid. Vitamin C, contained in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and green vegetables, is also known as ascorbic acid.
If you are caught away from home during a thunderstorm the safest place to be is
in a car. Lightning is most likely to strike the highest object in an area. If you are standing in an open field or at the top of a small hill, you are likely to be the highest object and a good target. If you stand under a tree, lightning might hit the tree and cause it to fall on you. A car is grounded. If you are inside a car that is hit by lightning, the lightning will be transmitted into the ground by the car.
Water is an example of
a liquid.
Lack of iodine is often related to which of the following diseases?
An eclipse of the sun throws the
shadow of the moon on the earth.
Under natural conditions, large quantities of organic matter decay after each years plant growth has been completed. As a result of such conditions,
soils maintain their fertility. When organic matter decays, it decomposes into its constituent elements. These elements are returned to the soil, thus increasing its fertility.
The thin, clear layer that forms the outer coat of the eyeball is called the
CORNEA. Light enters the eye through the PUPIL (the opening in the center of the IRIS), travels through the transparent crystalline lens, then travels through the vitreous humor (eyeball), and finally is focused on the RETINA. The cornea, a transparent tissue, forms the outer coat of the eyeball covering the iris and pupil.
The most likely reason why dinosaurs became extinct was
that they failed to adapt to a changing environment. The extinction of all sizes and varieties of dinosaurs all over the world can be explained neither by local phenomena nor on a one-by-one basis. The most reasonable assumption is that the dinosaurs failed to adapt and were unable to survive as climatic conditions changed radically.
What is a chemical change?
Burning 1 pound of coal. Combustion is a chemical change.
A person with high blood pressure should
avoid salt. Salt contributes to high blood pressure. The critical element in the action of salt upon the blood pressure is sodium. Iodine, or the lack of it, plays no role in raising blood pressure.
One-celled animals belong to the group of living things known as
protozoa. Protozoa are one-celled animals. Annelida are worms, porifera are sponges, arthropoda are spiders and crustaceans.
Spiders can be distinguished from insects by the fact that spiders
have 4 pairs of legs. All spiders have four pairs of legs. True insects have three pairs of legs.
An important ore of uranium is
pitchblende. Uranium is found in pitchblende and other rare metals.
Hematite is a source of
Calcopyrite is an ore of
Bauxite is a source of
The lightest element known on Earth is
hydrogen. Atomic weight of hydrogen = 1.0080 and atomic weight of helium = 4.003
The most plentiful gas in the air is
nitrogen. Nitrogen constitutes ⅘ of the atmosphere by volume.
The time it takes for light from the sun to reach the earth is
approximately 8 minutes. Light travels at the rate of 186,300 miles per second. The sun is 92,900,00 miles from the Earth, so its light arrives here in just over 8 minutes.
The types of clouds that occur at the greatest altitude are called
cirrus. Cirrus clouds occur at 20,000 to 40,000 feet and are made up of ice crystals. Nimbus clouds are grey rain clouds. Cumulus clouds are fluffy white clouds. Stratus clouds are long, low clouds, generally at altitudes of 2000-7000 feet.
A new drug for treatment of tuberculosis was being tested in a hospital. Patients in Group A actually received doses of the new drug; those in Group B were given only sugar pills. Group B represents an
experimental control. Group B served as the control group. If the condition of patients in Group A were to improve significantly more than that of patients in Group B, scientists might have reason to believe in the effectiveness of the drug.
The statement that carrots help one to see in the dark is reasonable because carrots
are high in vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency leads to poor night vision. Since carrots are high in vitamin A, they should have a positive effect upon night vision, although eating large quantities of carrots will not in itself ensure perfect night vision.
Radium is stored in lead containers because
the lead absorbs the harmful radiation. Radiation cannot pass through lead.
The type of joint that attaches the arm to the shoulder blade is known as
a ball and socket. Ball-and-socket joints permit movement in almost all directions.
Limes were eaten by British sailors in order to
prevent scurvy. Scurvy is a disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Limes are rich in vitamin C.
The time that it takes for the Earth to rotate 45 degrees
is 3 hours.
Of the following glands, the one that regulates the metabolic rate is
the thyroid. The thyroid gland regulates the metabolic rate. The adrenal glands secrete hormones that regulate one’s reaction to emergencies, among other things. Salivary glands secrete oral saliva. The thymus gland influences growth and development.
All of the following are amphibia except
the lizard. A lizard is a reptile.
Of the following planets, the one that has the shortest revolutionary period around the sun is
Mercury. Mercury is closest to the sun, therefore it has the shortest revolutionary period around the sun.
The term ft./sec. is a unit of
speed. Distance over time = speed
A circuit breaker is used in many homes instead of
a fuse. Circuit breakers serve exactly the same function as fuses. Should wires become overheated for any reason, the circuit breaker will “trip,” thus breaking the circuit and interrupting the flow of electricity. Fuse burnout creates the same protective interruption of current.
What is the name of the negative particle that circles the nucleus of the atom?
Electron An electron is a negative particle. A proton is a positively charged particle, a neutron is neutral and without charge. A meson has both positive and negative charges.
Which of the following rocks can be dissolved with a weak acid?
Limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate, can be dissolved with a weak acid.
Under natural conditions, large quantities of organic matter decay after each year’s plant growth has been completed. As a result of such conditions
soils maintain their fertility. When organic matter decays, it decomposes into its constituent elements. These elements are returned to the soil, thus increasing its fertility.
The thin, clear layer that forms the front part of the eyeball is called
the cornea. The cornea, a thin clear layer, forms the front part of the eyeball.
The most likely reason why dinosaurs became extinct was that
they failed to adapt to a changing environment. The extinction of all sizes and varieties of dinosaurs all over the world cannot be explained by local phenomena nor on a one-by-one basis. The most reasonable assumption is that the dinosaurs failed to adapt and were unable to survive as climatic conditions changed radically.
Which of the following is a chemical change?
burning one pound of coal Combustion is a chemical process.
A person with high blood pressure should
avoid salt. Salt contributes to high blood pressure. The critical element in the action of salt upon the blood pressure is sodium. Iodine or the lack of it plays no role in raising blood pressure.
The chief nutrient in lean meat
is protein.
Spiders can be distinguished from insects by the fact that spiders have
four pairs of legs. All spiders have four pairs of legs. True insects have three pairs of legs.
An important ore of uranium is called
pitchblende. Uranium is found in pitchblende and other rare metals. Hematite is a source of iron; chalcopyrite is an ore of copper; bauxite is a source of aluminum; feldspar is a source of silicates.
Of the following, the lightest element known on earth is
hydrogen. The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.0080, that of helium is 4.003, and of oxygen is 16.00. Air is a mixture of gases, not an element. The atomic weight of nitrogen is 14.0067.
Of the following gases in the air, the most plentiful
is nitrogen. Nitrogen constitutes about four-fifths of the atmosphere by volume. Oxygen is the most plentiful gas on earth, but not in the air.
The time it takes for light from the sun to reach the earth is approximately
eight minutes. Light travels at the rate of 186,300 miles a second. The sun is 92,900,000 miles from the Earth, so its light arrives here in just over 8 minutes.
Of the following types of clouds, the ones which occur at the greatest height are called
cirrus. Cirrus clouds occur at 20,000 to 40,000 feet and are made up of ice crystals. Nimbus clouds are gray rain clouds; cumulus clouds are fluffy white clouds; stratus clouds are long, low clouds, generally at altitudes of 2,000 to 7,000 feet; altostratus clouds are at intermediate heights.
A new drug for treatment of tuberculosis was being tested in a hospital. Patients in Group A actually received doses of the new drug; those in Group B were given only sugar pills. Group B represents
an experimental control. Group B served as the control group. If the condition of patients in Group A were to improve significantly more than that of patients in Group B, scientists might have reason to believe in the effectiveness of the drug.
After adding salt to water, the freezing point of the water is
lowered. The freezing point of a solution is generally lower than that of the pure solvent. In extreme cold weather, salt is placed on iced sidewalks to aid in melting the ice.
Radium is stored in lead containers because the lead absorbs
the harmful radiation. Radiation cannot pass through lead.
The type of joint that attaches the arm to the shoulder blade is known as a
ball and socket. Ball-and-socket joints permit movement in almost all directions. The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint.
Limes were eaten by British sailors in order to
prevent scurvy. Scurvy is a disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Limes are rich in vitamin C.
The time that it takes for the earth to rotate 45°
is three hours. The earth rotates 360° in 24 hours; therefore it rotates 45° in three hours.
Of the following planets, the one which has the shortest revolutionary period around the sun is
Mercury. Mercury is closest to the sun, therefore it has the shortest revolutionary period around the sun.
What is the name of the negative particle which circles the nucleus of the atom?
Electron. An electron is a negative particle. A proton is positively charged; a neutron is neutral and without charge: a meson has both positive and negative charges. An isotope is an atom of the same element but with a different number of neutrons.
Organisms that sustain their life cycles by feeding off other live organisms are known
as parasites.
Lack of iodine is often related to which disease?
Goiter (Thyroid gland stores iodine)
When 2 or more elements combine to form a substance that has properties different from those of the component elements, that new substance is known as
a compound.
Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants
manufacture carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.
The primary reason designers seek to lower the center of gravity in automobiles
is to increase stability.
A thermometer that indicates the freezing point of water at
0 degrees and the boiling point of water at 100 degrees is called the celsius thermometer.
Shooting stars are
A body in space that orbits around another body
is known as a satellite
Newtons Laws of Motion 1
Body at rest remains at rest
Newtons Laws of Motion 2
Constant force creates acceleration proportional to mass
Newtons Laws of Motion 3
One body exerts force on another, 2nd exerts force equal to 1st but in opposite direction