SCI Flashcards
total absence of sensation in dermatomes below level of lesion
complete lesions
sensory loss related to damage within specific spinal tracts
incomplete lesions
C5 controls which myotome
elbow flexors
C6 controls which myotome
wrist extensors
C7 controls which myotome
elbow extensors
C8 controls which myotome
finger flexors
NEUROLOGIC level of injury is the lowest level on the spinal cord where key muscles test at least / and sensation intact for this level dermatome
FUNCTIONAL level lowest segment which strength of key muscles graded at / or higher and sensation intact
A lesion to the centrally located structures of region, that produces sacral sparing and greater weakness in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs. Typically seen in older adults
central cord syndrome
Hemisection of the cord which produces ipsilateral (same-sided) proprioceptive and motor loss and contralateral (other side) loss of pain and temperature
Brown-Sequard syndrome
Rare, results from compression by tumor or infarction of the posterior spinal artery. Proprioception, stereognosis, two-point discrimination, and vibration sense are lost below the lesion.
posterior cord syndrome
A lesion that produces variable loss of motor function and of sensitivity to pin and temperature, while preserving proprioception, touch and vibration.
anterior cord syndrome
Injury of the sacral cord (conus) and lumbar nerve roots within the neural canal that usually results in nonreflexive bladder, bowel and lower limbs. Sacral segments may occasionally show preserved reflexes (bulbocavernosus and micturition reflexes).
conus medullaris syndrome
Injury to the lumbosacral nerve roots within the neural canal resulting in nonreflexive bladder, bowel and lower limbs.
cauda equina syndrome
what movement is possible if you have a C1-C3 SCI
neck flexion
neck extension
neck rotation
what movement is possible if you have a C4 SCI
neck flexion neck extension neck rotation scapular elevation inspiration
what movement is possible if you have a C5 SCI
Shoulder flexion Shoulder abduction Shoulder extension Elbow flexion Supination Scapular adduction & abduction
what movement is possible if you have a C6 SCI
Scapular protraction
Horizontal adduction (some)
Forearm supination
Radial wrist extension
what movement is possible if you have C7-C8 SCI
Elbow extension Ulnar wrist extension Wrist flexion Finger flexion & extension Thumb flexion, extension, & abduction
what movement is possible if you have a T1-T4 SCI
Upper extremity
Limited trunk stability
Increasing lung capacity
what movement is possible if you have T10-L1 SCI
trunk stability
what movement is possible if you have L2-S5 SCI
trunk stability
partial to full control of LE