School Finance Flashcards
Sources of Funds, How are schools funded? Revenue or income.
State, Local, Federal

Where does state funding (money) come from? Revenue…..
State Income Tax, Sales Tax
Where does state money (funding) come from? Revenue…..or income

What does state money pay for?
Teachers, Administration (example Asst. Principal, High School Principal)
How are state funds used?
Support Services (such as 504 plan, intervention, counseling, prevention)
How are state funds used?
Maintenance and construction

Local funding, revenue or income from where?
Property Taxes-real taxes (taxes paid on real property such as your home.
Local funding revenue comes from……
Property Taxes- Personal (personal property is movable; that is, the asset is not fixed permanently to one location as with real property, such as land or buildings. Examples include vehicles, furniture, boats, and collectibles.
Local funding revenue
Sales Taxes….on clothes, alcohol, tobacco, computers, and items you purchase
Local funding revenue comes from…..
Fines (example..violating town noise ordinance, harboring dangerous animal ordinance) An ordinance is a law set forth by the government.

Local funding revenue comes from…..
forfeitures(civil forfeiture occurs when law enforcement officers take assets(cash, car, house) from persons suspected of involvement with crime without charging the owners with wrongdoing.

Local funding revenue comes from…..
Bonds( A bond is when the local government gets a loan to build a new high school by getting approval from voters and can used to finance other public projects such as roads, …..

Local funding pays for ……………………………………………..
Teachers above or more than the State formula ( 6% more statewide)
Administartion ( 16% more statewide)
What does local funding pay for?
Support services (21% more statewide)
Learning support teachers focus on the provision of supplementary teaching to pupils who require additional help.

Local funding pays for ……….
Maintenance and construction
TThere are wide differences in local funding?
True or False
NC ‘s top ten highest spending local districts spend an average of ————-per student, the bottom ten spend _____(2016)
- $3100.00 per student top ten
- $739.00 per student bottom ten
The highest paid teachers in districts that receive more money get a supplement above their salary, which could be an extra month salary for a teacher. Some districts have one million dollars more from local money to spend.
There is a WIDE difference of money spent in each local district. More money makes a difference in the construction, technology, and stronger teachers in the school.
Federal funding revenue sources come from……
- Income Tax (Americans are required to pay taxes on the income they earn)
- Mics. Federal taxes (example, taxes on gas, cigarettes, and liquor)
- Money is limited schools receive from federal money.
What does Federal funding pay for?
Block grants (putting school meals (entitlements) to provide participating schools a reliable source of funds to serve all students in need. (Example)
Block grant
A lump sum of federal money that is provided to states to operate federal assistance programs that are SPECIFIC.
Are for a specific PROJECT (Math and Science Program, example) for a SPECIFIC BLOCK of time.
If the state doesn’t use the money they loose the money.
Federal money can be spent on……….
Catagorial programs
This means is can be spent on students that fall in a special category. Example IDEA, of the other 13 catagories. Money specificically set aside for students that need extra support.
Another example, Free and Reduced Lunch,
Issues are the same at the local, federal, and state level.
Most school districts across the nation DEPEND on government get money. They cannot charge tuition or fee’s
Example: The Board of Education cannot charge taxes to get money.
Issues at the State, Federal, and local level
Funding inequities…….all schools do not receive the same amount of money, which determines why some students get a better education than others.
relating to government revenue, especially taxes
Charter Schools…..
ALL Charter Schools are public schools.