What are the 4 elements of the Ashtanga Vinyasa System?
-Sun Salutations: used to warm up spine adn arms through back bends and forward folds.
-Standing sequences: used to warm up the legs and spine through lunges and twists
-Seated Series:
Heart of Ashtanga Vinyasa
Six different series of postures to master
–Advanced A
–Advanced B
–Advanced C
–Advanced D
-Closing Sequence: Includes back bending and inversions as well as a closing breathing praetice followed by a rest period.
Scholé Style Foundations
- Freedom: you are your own best teacher
- Challenge: yoga is a tool for progression (if you choose)
- Meaning: each class is about much more than exercise, our lessons enable practitioners to get passed obstacle both on and off the mat.
- Community: Scholé is bigger than any single person it is about all of us coming together as one.
Who was Krisnamacharya?
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888-1989) as known as the father of modern of yoga. He was a teacher, healer, and scholar.
- He taught the individual. Each of his students received customized, personal instruction and care based on who they were, where they were, and what they needed to heal.
- Krishnamacharya worked as a yoga teacher for Krishnarajendra Wodeyar, the maharajah (indian prince) of Mysore. At the palace gymnasium, Krishnamacharya developed a practice for young boys. It was a combination of hatha yoga, wrestling exercises, and gymnastic movements unlike anything seen before in the yoga tradition.
- Krishnamacharya’s asana experiments eventually grew into several styles of physical practice, the most notable were the ones he taught to B.K.S. Iyengar and K. Pattabhi Jois.
- Although these styles of practice represent only a short period of Krishnamacharya’s extensive teaching career (and don’t do justice to his enormous contribution to yoga therapy), these two students would go on to provide the foundation for virtually all the modern yoga systems of today.
What does a tendon do?
Connects muscle to bone
What is the femur?
The thigh bone
What are the 5 enemies of yoga?
- Sloth
- Agitation
- Craving
- Aversion
- Doubt
Who was B.K.S lyangar?
- A student of Krisnamacharya, B.K.S Iyengar (1918 - 2014) was the founder of “Iyengar Yoga” and was considered one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world during his life.
- He focused on “proper alignment” which influenced many styles of modern yoga. Unfortunately, lyengars allignment ideas don’t make sense when considering the modern understanding of the skeletal system. Specifically “compression and tension”. His medical benefits were not based on any scientific studies or medical experiments.
- Lyengar was the author of many books on the yoga practice and philosophy including “Light on Yoga,” which continues today to be one of the best selling yoga books of all time. ”
What is the Ashtanga Vinyasa Lineage?
Krisnamacharya (Mysore, India)
Pattabhi Jois (Mysore, India)
David Williams (Maui, Hawaii)
Micah Scholes (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Who was Patañjali?
- Patanjali supposably created the yoga sutras (sutra basically means formula but literally meaning thread.)
- He didn’t create yoga, he merely expounded upon it. Of course we aren’t even sure he actually existed.
- The yoga sutras are 196 sutras that expound upon the ideas of the 8 limbs which make up “Ashtanga Yoga” -to quiet ones mind and acheive enlightenment. The sutras form the basis of Raja Yoga. What I understand is that The Sutras had only one posture. The original asana, a seat. It was a yoga of meditation, not of movement.
What is abduction vs adduction?
“Adduction moves the extremity toward the midline, abduction moves the extremity away from the midline.”
What is character?
Character is who we are when no one is watching. It is a pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings based on one’s own principles, moral strength, and integrity.
What are the Scholé Certification Levels?
- can teach inspired classes
- can use Scholé yoga name logo
- SY L1 certified
- all rights and privileges of L1
- can use Scholé yoga name and logo
- SY L2 certified
- can teach STRONG, DEEP, REFRESH classes.
- all rights and privileges of L1 and L2
- can use Scholé yoga name and logo and
- SY L3 certified
- can teach MEDITATE, ELEVATE, and UNITE
- free or discounted access to sessions of SYTT
Describe REFRESH
REFRESH focuses on stillness, the lengthening of the connective tissue, and the practice of meditation. By holding the postures for extended periods of time, these classes give the body time to respond by making the connective tissues longer, stronger and more elastic.
- Each class is held in a warm, humid environment, and the sequences are simple and uncomplicated — there are few standing postures and minimal muscular intensity
- Numerous opportunities for intuitive movement in every class -Primarily seated postures and just a few standing poses
- Avoid traditional Sun Salutations
- Warm Antique low level lighting -Encourage students to enjoy each posture with their eyes closed once settled in -Slow, unrestricted breathing
What is the guideline of 3?
The Guideline of Three
First time through a free-flow sequence:
General cueing structure:
breath, movement, movement, intuitive movement OR option
Second time through a free-flow sequence:
General cueing structure:
breath, movement, movement
Third time through a free-flow sequence:
General cueing structure:
breath, reminder cue, encouragement
What is tension?
When the tissues aren’t elastic enough to let two bones move apart.
Tension in the fascia around the around of sensation is what causes feelings of tightness in the muscles. The tendons and ligaments are layers of fascia that are meant to absorb shock and distribute impact. However if tendons and ligaments are dehydrated and tight they will fray, resulting in pain.
Much like a dry sponge, dehydrated fascia becomes brittle and fragile, breaking or tearing easily.
List and define each of the 6 major types of yoga and explain what the inner and outer circle mean
- Hatha: yoga of movement
- Mantra: yoga of sound
- J’nana: yoga of self study
- Karma: yoga of service
- Bahkti: yoga of religion
- Raja: yoga of meditation *inner circle means enlightenment *outer circle is a code of ethics
Scholé connections focus on…
making connections, not corrections.
Special event sequencing (8)
- No more than one free flow sequence
- Spend extra time in stage one, two, six, and seven
- Tone down stage 4 and stage 5
- Use experience boosters like hand holding in balancing postures and free flow to abrupt meditation
- Figure out how to incorporate elements of Scholé Yoga like blindfolds, lighting, and cold towels
- Play your best hits
- Keep it simple
- Focus heavily on the why
why the music in the foreground and not background?
why the hands on connection?
why the free flow?
why cue without modeling?
What is Ujjayi Breath?
Ujjayi breathing is a breath technique where both the inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose as the muscles at the back of the throat are lightly engaged. As the throat passage is narrowed, the passage of air creates an audible sound. Each inhalation and exhalation should be roughly equal in duration and controlled in a manner that causes no distress to the practitioner.
List/explain the 8 aspects of the Scholé System
1) Empathy- feel/understand your emotions and others
2) Meditation- bedrock of Scholé System
3) Movement- keystone of Scholé System
4) Introspection- you can/must become your own best teacher
5) Self care- food, sleep, media and music effect you, be aware
6) Research- always be a student, always progress
7) Service- key part of spiritual growth
8) Feedback- the ability to give great feedback is rare, but the reward great.
What does your skeletal system do?
- Supports
- Protects internal organs and fragile tissues
- Helps with movement: muscles attatch to bones so your body can move
What is the Humerus?
The upper arm bone, the longest and largest bone of the upper body.
What is a joint?
Where to bones meet.
What is the Ilium?
The ilium is the uppermost and largest bone of the pelvis. It is often referred to as the hip bone.
List the three most common breathing techniques
- Samavritti: equal part breath
- Dirga: slow, deep, long, complete. 3 park breath belly, diaphragm, chest. Completely fill and completely release.
- Ujjayi: to become victorious
What is the tibia?
Second largest bone in the body. Located on the inside of the lower leg. It connects the knee with the ankle bones. Also known as the shin bone.
Top 10 most important thing to know about Scholé Soundtrack
1) takes time
2) listen to the WHOLE song before adding it to soundtrack
3) keep a few back up soundtrack on hand always
4) know your audience
5) fade in/out each time you change music
6) ABL (always be listening) get Shazam
7) consistency (same artists)
8) keep and organize your soundtracks
9) use proper songs in the proper stages
10) use music you love, but don’t let that hold you back”
What is the clavicle
Also known as the collar bone: Curved bone that connects the upper arm at the shoulder to the body right about the first rid.
What is hot yoga and who created it?
Hot yoga/Bikram Yoga:
- 90 minutes
- 26 postures
- 104 degree 40% humidity
Created by Bikram Choudhury
What is the downside to repetition?
Modern science shows that repetitive stress and strain of day to day living results in joint compression and dehydration of the connective tissue.
What is the scapula?
The bone located on the upper back that connects the humerus with the clavicle. Often referred to as the shoulder blade.
List the 9 Ashtanga Vinyasa rules
- Must commit to 30 days
- Must practice 6 days a week
- No practice on Saturday
- No practice on full moon and new moon days
- No practice while menstruating
- Must master each pose before moving on (teacher decides, not you)
- No music while practicing
- No deviation from the system
- No short forms or modifications
What is the cranium?
The skull: supports the structures of the face and protects the head from injury.
What is Scholé feedback?
The person teaching and receiving feedback should:
- Begin with self-feedback
- Affirm first, offering themselves positive reinforcement
- Listen with the intent to understand rather than with the intent to reply
- Remember that your objective is not to find out if you have done something right or wrong, but rather to see how the person giving the feedback perceived your guidance
The person giving feedback should:
- Observe whether the teacher worked within the correct Style and Experience Guidelines
- Affirm first, offering positive reinforcement
- Offer one or two opportunities for the teacher to grow and improve
All participants should:
- Offer feedback only when requested
- Refrain from “talking back” to the feedback
- Avoid qualifying their feedback or apologizing for it
- Limit discussion and questions
- Keep all feedback short and end overall feedback sessions quickly Refrain from returning to the feedback session or discussing it once it is over
What is connective tissue?
Tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs. connective tissue is found in every bone, muscle, and organ but it is concentrated at the joints. In fact, if you don’t use your full range of joint flexibility the connective tissue will shorten over time. After years of under use if you try to flex your knees or arch your back you’ll find you joints have been shrink wrapped by shortened connective tissue.
Simply put, fascia is the body’s connective tissue. It is a head to toe, inside to out, all-encompassing and interwoven system of fibrous connective tissue found throughout the body. Just as that thicker layer completely surrounds the inside of the orange, the same holds true to your fascia.