Scholars Flashcards
Interpretations that look for moral lessons in the story
Stories on two levels - a literal level and a figural level.
What time period were allegory and didacticism?
Classical world - c18th
(Didactic) What did Isocrates (436-338bc) say about the Iliad?
Agamemnon is a model of leadership
(Didactic) What did Horace (65-8bc) say about the Iliad?
Homer tells us what is good, what is bad, what is useful, and what is not
(Didactic) What did Plato (4thCbc) say about the Iliad?
He rejected Homer because he suggests behaviours that are opposed to Plato’s high standards of morality.
(Allegorical) What did Horace say about the Iliad?
He argued that the Iliad is a ‘how not to’, showing the importance of accepting our moral responsibilities
(Allegorical) What did Chapman (early C16th) say about the Iliad?
- Thought the message was about destructiveness of uncontrolled passion.
-tries to explain Achilles’ irrational behaviour by arguing he comes under the influence of evil spirits.
(Allegory/Didactic) What did Alexander Pope say about the Iliad?
Didactic point: destructiveness of discord and the importance of agreement
He didn’t try to allegorise the entire text
Scholars didn’t like Homer because they read the Aeneid first
3 Renaissance Scholars
Vives (1492-1540)
Rapin (1621-87)
Scaliger (1484 - 1558)
(Renaissance) What did Vives say about Homer?
-found Homer ‘too superficial and wordy’
-wanted Homer’s heroes to offer readers uplifting mortal examples, didn’t like book 17 bc of flies comparison
(Renaissance) What did Rapin say about the Iliad?
- wanted the gods to be more dignified
- the subjects were ‘disappointingly trivial’
- achilles was petty and emotional
(Renaissance) What did Scaliger say about the Iliad?
- wanted the gods to be more dignified
- epithets were ‘cold, childish, pointless’
Roughly 1770-1850
Importance of emotion, nature, individual, and the past
Didn’t like the classics
Didn’t like Homer’s subject matters (war, killing)
(Romanticism) What did Coleridge say about the Iliad?
Behaviours of soldiers of his day was the result of classical ideas about heroism
(Romanticism) What did Blake say about the Iliad?
Dismisses men of classical epics as ‘slaves of the sword’
Aimed to work out the process which produced Homer’s epics
They believed the Iliad was not by a single author