Schola Decima Flashcards
Aegyptus, -i f 2
domus, -i f 2
servitus, servitutis f 3
slave, servant
servus, -i m 2
teaching, instruction
doctrina, -ae f 1
lex, legis f 3
Moyses, Moysis, Moysi, Moysen, Moyse
foreign, strange, alien
alienus, -a, -um
decimus, -a, -um
to lead out
educo, educere, eduxi, eductus 3
to have, hold
habeo, habēre, habui, habitus 2
to teach
doceo, docēre, docui, doctus 2
from, down from, about, concerning
de + ablative
out of, from
e, ex + ablative
before, in front of
coram + ablative
What are the personal endings for the perfect active indicative?
- i
- isti
- it
- imus
- istis
- erunt
What must be memorized to form the perfect tense?
the principal parts of each verb
How is the simple future tense formed in the first and second conjugations?
the present stem
+ a connecting vowel (-ā for the 1st conjugation, -e for the 2nd)
+ -b (i) (no i for 1st ps and I becomes u for 3rd pp)
+ present personal endings
What preposition means
from/down from/about/concerning
and takes the ablative case?
What preposition means
out of/from
and takes the ablative case?
What preposition means
in front of/before (in a spatial sense)
and takes the ablative case?
What is the accusative plural ending for masculine (and a few feminine) nouns of the second declension?
What is the accusative plural ending for masculine adjectives of the second declension?
What is the nominative and accusative plural ending for neuter nouns of the second declension?
Decline ego
ego mei (meus, -a, -um) mihi me me
nos nostri /nostrum (noster, -a, -um) nobis nos nobis