Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Brief Psychotic Disorder Flashcards
Brief Psychotic Disorder (Criteria Overview)
Criteria A (? of 4)
A. 1+ of the following (at least one must be 1, 2, or 3)
- delusions
- hallucinations
- disorganized speech
- disorganized bx or catatonia
Criteria B
B. Duration is at least one day but less than one month, with full return to pre-episodic functioning
Criteria C
C. Symptoms are not better explained by major depressive or bipolar disorder with psychotic features, any other psychotic disorder, or the effects of drugs/medicine, or any other medical condition.
Specifiers (5)
- With marked stressors (brief reactive psychosis)
- Without marked stressors
- With post-partum onset (typically within 4 weeks
- With post partum but may start before giving birth)
- With catatonia
Specifier: with marked stressor(s)
aka brief reactive psychosis
symptoms are a response to a highly stressful event
Specifier: without marked stressor(s)
symptoms are not the result of a highly stressful event
Specifier: with post-partum onset
onset is during pregnancy or within 4 weeks of giving birth
Specifier: with catatonia
markedly disorganized bx
Specifier: severity
May be specified (optional)
0-4 during the last 7 days, severity of psychotic symptoms