Schizophrenia Flashcards
- Loss of contact w/reality
- Abnormalities in senses, perception, thinking, action, sense of self & others
- Onset: late adolescence, early adulthood
Schizophrenia Hallmark Symptoms:
REQUIRED: delusions, hallucinations & disorganized speech + 2 more symptoms for 6MTHS (disturbance/impairment)
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Disorganized Speech & Thought
- Disorganized speech & catatonic behavior
- Negative Symptoms
Erroneous belief
Firm in wrong belief despite contradictory evidence
Occurs in 90%
Types of Delusions
Persecutory Delusions of Reference: Grandiose Delusions Erotomanic Delusions Thoughts, Control, Withdrawal & Broadcasting (think
feeling of being followed or under surveillance
Being made fun of by others
Delusions of Reference:
Feeling that bulletins have a direct reference to them
Music → about them
Car license plates → bout them
Grandiose Delusions
Belief they have exceptional power, talent or fame
Erotomanic Delusions
Romantically or sexually involved w/a celebrity
Thoughts, Control, Withdrawal & Broadcasting (think others can hear/read thoughts)
Aliens inserting thoughts into mind/removing, controlling, or broadcasting thoughts against their will
Could be microwave or other inanimate objects
Usually worse when alone, can hear voices, auditory is most common Sensory experience (touch, auditory, smell, tactile) Seems real, but no external stimulus
Types of Hallucinations
Auditory Hallucinations Visual Hallucinations Tactile Hallucinations Olfactory Hallucinations Gustatory Hallucinations
Auditory Hallucinations
- hearing of voices usually talking about the person. Running commentary, Includes “command hallucinations”
Visual Hallucinations
- can be clear or vague/distorted; can be frightening
Tactile Hallucinations
snakes, bugs, people or hands touching them, something inside or outside the body
Olfactory Hallucinations
unpleasant odors (decaying body, blood, corpse) person often thing it’s coming for them.
Gustatory hallucinations
strange, usually unpleasant taste (like blood)
Which of the following is true about the connection between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder?
a. Psychopathy is a personality trait that rarely causes problems.
b. Psychopathy is a less severe form of antisocial personality disorder.
c. Not all people who have antisocial personality disorder have psychopathy
d. All people who exhibit violent behavior are psychopaths.
Disorganized Speech
Loose Speech: syntax is okay, but words or word order don’t make sense
Use of neologisms (made up words that sound real)
Disorganized & Catatonic Behavior
Impairment, goal-oriented activity (complete tasks in a pattern
Work, hygiene
- Display unusual or silly behavior
- bizzare grimacing or mimic behavior (movements and auditory)
- Unpredictable agitations/repetitive behaviors (sexual behaviors in public)
- pacing, walking in circles, outbursts
- catatonia (no movement at all) doesn’t move, speak or move for long periods of time–just stares
Negative Symptoms
- Absence of normal behavior
- Flat affect, alogia (grunts, one word answers), asocial, avolition (lack of motivation, not able to complete task)
- Anhedonia: loss of interest in doing things that bring them pleasure
- More common in males & males have more severe form
Onset typically late adolescence, or early adulthood 18-30yrs
Spark in late 40’s women (menopause)
Commonly associated features
Neuropsychological Testing
- Poor “executive functioning” (ability to understand & make decisions )
- Trouble focusing or paying attention
- Problems w/working memory (ability to use info immediately after learning it)
Other psychotic disorders:
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Schizophreniform
- Delusional Disorder
- Brief psychotic disorder
Schizoaffective disorder
- Both psychotic and mood symptoms and severe mood symptoms (depression or mania)