Schizophrenia Flashcards
SC is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder. What are the primary symtoms: (5)
Positive symptoms:
1. delusions
2. disorganized speech
3. hallucinations
4. abnormal psychomotor behaviour
5. Negative symptoms:
- flattened effect
- reduced speech
- lack of initiative
Outline the Biological risk factors of Schizo
- Brain structure abnormalities (CBS fluid in ventricles, reduced grey matter - Dec making, memory, auditory processing )
- genetics (heritable)
- neurochemistry (excess dopamine)
- neurodevelopmental (malnutrition, prem birth)
Outline the Psych and Social factors in Schizo
Family influence (low IQ, poor learning/comm abilities)
Traumatic childhoods
Substance abuse (cannabis)
List some of the diagnostic criteria for Schizo
- hallucinations
- disorganized speech
- marked decrease in functioning in more than 1 domain
- disturbance for more than 6 months
- NO dep/manic episode in active-phase of symptoms
How is the severity of Schizo/ the active phase of Schizo assessed?
Rated by the number of primary symptoms on psychosis
What are the possible treatment routes for Schizo?
- Hospitalization:
- stabilization, management, care - Meds: antipsychotics:
- typical treat positive symptoms through Dop receptor
- atypical treat +&- symptoms through Ser and Dop receptors - Biotherapeutic: ECT
- Psychosocial:
- Psychoed
- DBT (id and understand feelings)
- Social skills training
- Traditional healing
What are some of the controversial issues on Schizo?
- LAI Antipsychotics: supported as efficacious, but miss-trust from clinicians and patients alike
- Diagnosis in kids: poorly understood and difficult (v similar to BPD, ASD, ADHD symptoms. Risks of not diagnosing vs incorrect diagnosis
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Disorganized speech and behaviour
- an experience involving a perception of something not present (vis, aud, tact, olfact)
- A false belief or judgement about external reality (persec, religious, somatic, referential)
- Words and behaviours not appropriate to context
Affective flattening
- inability to feel pleasure from pleasurable activities
- lack on interest or engagement in goal-directed behavior
- impairment of language abilities
- reduced of absent expression of effect
- lack of motivation to engage in social situations