Schizophrenia Flashcards
What is the definition of schizophrenia?
A severe and chronic mental disorder characterized by disturbances in perceptions, thought, and behaviour
What is the definition of schizoaffective disorder?
A complex and persistent psychiatric disorder with varying degrees of symptoms of both schizophrenia and mood disorders
What are the different stages of schizophrenia?
Acute Illness
Maintenance and recovery
Acute Illness stage
Sleep disruption
Talking to self
Responding to external/internal stimuli
Social withdrawal
Poverty of speech
Stabilization stage
Initiation and mitigation of side effects of medication
Baseline of target symptoms
Assess for substance use
Maintenance and recover stage
Adherence to medication regime or routine
Family and patient education
Looking at learning new skills so that people can cope better in the future
What are the positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
Delusions (Grandiose, nihilistic, persecutory, somatic)
Hallucinations (auditory, visual, tactile, gustatory, olfactory)
Grandiose Delusions
People who experience these delusions are convinced of their own greatness and importance
Nihilistic Delusions
characterized by the delusional belief of being dead, decomposed or annihilated, having lost one’s own internal organs or even not existing entirely as a human being
Persecutory Delusions
They strongly believe people or groups, like the government, intend to harm them
Somatic Delusions
the individual believes something is wrong with part or all of their body
Negative symptoms
Anhedonia – inability to experience pleasure
Alogia – reduced fluency in productivity of thought and speech
Anergia – abnormal lack of energy
Avolition – lack of motivation
Ambivalence – state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone (feeling stuck)
Affective disturbances – idea of having a blunted affect (inability to demonstrate affect)
Social withdrawal
Disorganized thinking (evident through speech)
Loosening of associations
Thought blocking
Flight of ideas
Pressured speech
Word salad
Clang associations
Disorganized thinking (delusions)
Delusions of control
Bizarre delusions
Religious delusions
Magical thinking
Disorganized behaviour