Schematic Design/Discretionary and Approvals - Part 2 Flashcards
What role does the commenting agency play during CEQA review?
The commenting agency is the public agency with “Jurisdiction by Law” over a particular natural resource but is neither the lead agency or the responsible agency.
example - AMQD
What is a Trustee Agency?
Is a state agency having jurisdiction by law over Natural resources affected by a project which are held in trust for the people of the state of California.
What are two types of exemptions from compliance with CEQA?
Statutory Exemption - projects which the CA legislature has decided are not subject to CEQA procedures and policies
Categorical Exemption - projects which the secretary of the resources agency has determined do not usually have a significant effect on the environment.
What happens if the project is determined to be exempt from CEQA?
Notice of exemption may be filed by the state agency, who files with the office of planning and research, or the local agency, who files with the County Clerk of each county in which the project will be located.
If a project is not excempt from CEQA, what is the first step taken by the Lead agency?
Preform an initial study
Determines whether an EIR or Negative Declaration must be prepared or to identify the significant environmental effects to be analyzed in an EIR.
What is the difference between an Negative Declaration and a mitigated Negative Declaration?
A negative declaration means no significant impacts were found in respect to the project and as a result the project may proceed as designed
A mitigated Negative declaration means significant impacts were found, but the project can be revised/redesigned to avoid or mitigate those impacts and can move forward.
What is an Environmental Impact Report(EIR)?
A detailed report prepared by the Lead Agency describing and analyzing the significant environmental effects of a proposed project, identifying alternatives and discussing ways to reduce or avoid possible environmental damage. The project may be slowed or halted until an EIR can be prepared, reviewed and approved.
What first step does the lead agency take when preparing an EIR?
Send notice of preparation(NOP) to the responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and involved federal agencies to inform them of hte planned EIR. The purpose is to solicit guidance from those agencies as to the scope and content to be included in the EIR.
What is a purpose of a Notice of completion during the EIR process?
A notice of completion(NOC) is a brief notice released by the lead agency as soon as it has completed a draft EIR for public review and comment. This begins the public review period for the EIR.
What are the minimum and maximum review periods for the general public and agencies for an EIR and when does this occur?
30 days min / 60 days max
If the draft is sent to the state clearinghouse, the review is another 45 days min.
Who is the state clearinghouse and what do they do?
The state clearinghouse is a division of the governor’s office of planning and research and they coordinate the state-level review of environmental documents that are prepared pursuant to CEQA.
Define a Notice of Determination(NOD)?
A notice of Determination(NOD) is a brief notice filed by the lead agency after it approves or determines to carry out a project subject to the requirements of CEQA. It is filed once a decision has been reached on the project, either approval or disapproval of the negative declaration or final EIR.
Name seven impacts a project can have on the environment?
- Storm water runoff
- Parking implications
- Pollution from equipment
- Damage to wildlife and plants
- Increase in traffic, noise
- soil erosion
- modification to wetlands
Describe the CEQA review process for a non exempt project?
- Lead agency preforms the initial study
- Decision by lead agency to prepare EIR or Negative Declaration. For EIR, notice of preparation set to responsible agency, draft of EIR prepared by lead agency
- Public review period(20-30 negative declaration)-(30-60 EIR)
- Decision on project. Lead Agency files notice of Determination with the Couty Clerk(local) office of planning & research(state)
What is the function and purpose of the California Costal act(1976)?
The California Costal Act establishes a far reaching coastal protection program and made permanent the California Costal Comission.
The commission plans and regulates development and natural resource use along the coast in partnership with local governments and in keeping with requirements of the Coastal act.
Name six issues addressed by the California Coastal act
- Shoreline public acess and recreation
- Terrestrial and marine habitat protection
- Landform alteration
- offshore oil and gas developement
- transportation and development design
- Water quality
What are the most significant provisions of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act?
The California coastal commission and bay conservation and development commission are the two designated coastal management agencies to administer the federal costal zone management act?
The CZMA gives state coastal mgmt agencies regulatory control over all federal coastal activities. This is importation because it is often only review authority over federal coastal activities given to any state agency.
What part of the coastal zone is not included in the california coastal act?
The coastal zone established by the coastal act does not include San Francisco bay, where developement is regulated by the bay conservation and development commission(BCDC).
What is required before a project may commence in a coastal zone and what program must be followed?
Development in the coastal zone may not start until a Coastal developement permit is issued by the commission or a local government that has commission certified local program.
The project must follow guidlines laid out in the local coastal program.
What is a local coastal program and who develops it?
A local coastal program(LCP) contains basic planning tools used by local governments to guide development in the coastal zone. LCPs contain ground rules for future development and protection of coastal resources, specify appropriate location, type andscale of new or changed uses of land and water, and include land use plans. They are prepared and developed by local agencies.
What regulations in the California Coastal Act affect Pubic access and recreation?
Public Access- Development not to interfere with rights of access to sea, public access to be provided from nearest public roadway to shoreline, unless safety hazards exist
Recreation - areas suited for water activities shall be protected for such uses, encouragement of recreational boating use by developing dry storage areas and increasing public launching facilities.
Name three ways a project can minimize adverse impacts in the Coastal Zone?
- Assure stability and structural integrity and neither create nor contribute significantly to erosion, geologic instability or destruction of area.
- Maintain consistency with requirements imposed by an air pollution control district or state board
- Protect special communities and neighborhoods that are popular visitor destination points for recreational use
What are five types of development along the cost that would require a coastal development permit?
- Placement of any solid material or structure
- Change in land use density or intensity
- Change in intensity of water use or access to water
- removal of major vegetation
- Any development which constitutes a major public works project or a major energy facility
What are three types of project types a that are exempt from a Costal Development Permit?
- Improvements to existing single-family dwellings
- Improvements to any structure provided there are no adverse affects on the environment, public access or that involve a change in use contrary to the California Costal Act
- Maintenance dredging of existing navigation channels or moving dredged materials from those channels to a disposal area
What major element of the CA Clean Air Act sets it apart for Federal Regulations?
Requirement that local air districts in violation of the CA Ambient Air Quality Standards must prepare attainment plans that identify air quality problems, causes, trends and actions to be taken to attain and maintain California’s air quality standards.
Who has jurisdictional authority to enforce the field act, and what is the arch and owners role during const.?
DSA is the Jurisdictional authority. Plans/specs reviewed and approved including structural, FLS, and Accessibility.
CA required by the architect, changes to drawings must be approved by DSA.
A DSA certified inspector, hired by the owner, must oversee construction and prepare verified reports that are sent to DSA after completion
What prompted the seismic safety deadlines as required by the hospital facilities seismic safety act and what are they?
Prompted by the Northridge earthquake in 1994 which caused 23 hospitals to lose service. Seismic safety deadlines include
- 2013 - at risk inpatient buildings must be rebuilt, retrofitted or closed
- 2030 - all operational hospital buildings must be operational following a major earthquake
What is the essential services building Seismic Safety Act(ESBSSA) and where can it be found?
Essential services buildings should be capable of providing those services after a disaster(1986)
Designed and construction to minimize fire hazard, and resist the forces of earthquakes, gravity and winds.
It is contained in the CA health and safety Code
What four non structural components are vital to the operation of essential services buildings following the effects of a natural disaster?
- Communication systems
- Main Transformers
- Switching equipment
- Emergency Backup systems
These components shall be able to resist forces by gravity fire and wind.
Name the six different types of essential services buildings?
- Fire Station
- Police Station
- California Highway Patrol Station
- California Operations Center
- Sheriffs office
- Emergency Communications Dispatch Center
Who is the enforcement agency for essential services building?
- Local agency - if not state owned
- DSA - State owned facilities or facilities leased by state
What two types of buildings re exempt from the essential services building seismic safety act?
1 story type V construction less than 2000sf
Type II N construction not less than 2000sf