Schema Modes Flashcards
Vulnerable Child
Believes that nobody will fulfil needs and that everyone will eventually abandon self.
Mistrusts others and believes that they will abuse him.
Feels worthless and expects rejection.
Is ashamed of self and often feels excluded.
Feels lonely and believes there is danger everywhere.
Behaves like a small, vulnerable child that clings to the therapist for help,
Angry Child
Feels intensely angry, enraged, and impatient because core needs are not being met.
Feels abandoned, humiliated, or betrayed.
Expresses anger in extreme manifestations, both verbal and nonverbal, just like a small child who has an outburst of anger.
Enraged Child
Feels enraged for the same reason as the Angry Child, but loses control. This is expressed in offensive and injurious actions toward people
Objects in the same way as a small child hurts his parents.
Impulsive Child
Wants to satisfy (non-core) desires in a selfish
and uncontrolled manner.
Cannot control his feelings and impulses and becomes enraged and infuriated when (non-core) desires are not met.
Behaves like a spoiled child.
Undisciplined Child
Has no tolerance of frustration and cannot force self to finish routine or boring tasks.
Cannot bear dissatisfaction or discomfort (pain, conflict, or overexertion)
Behaves like a spoiled child.
Happy Child
Feels loved, satisfied, protected, understood, and validated.
Is self-confident and feels competent, appropriately autonomous, and in control.
Can react spontaneously, is adventurous and optimistic, and plays like a happy, young child.
Compliant Surrender Coping Mode
Devotes himself to the desire of others in order to avoid negative consequences.
Suppresses own needs or emotions and bottles up aggression.
Behaves subserviently and passively, and hopes to gain approval by being obedient. He tolerates abuse from other people.
Detached Protector Mode
Cuts off strong feelings
Believes that such feelings are dangerous and can get out of hand.
Withdraws from social contacts and tries to cut off feelings (sometimes this leads to dissociation).
Feels empty, bored, and depersonalised.
May adopt a cynical or pessimistic attitude to keep others at arm’s length.
Detached Self-Soother
Seeks distraction in order not to feel negative emotions.
Achieves this by:
1. self-soothing behaviour (e.g., sleeping or substance abuse);
2, self-stimulating activities (being fanatical or occupied with work, the internet, sport, or sex).
Believes that is superior to others and entitled to special rights.
Insists that should be able to do or have what he wants, regardless of what others think.
Shows off and denigrates others to augment his self-esteem.
Bully & Attack
Wants to prevent being controlled or hurt by others and therefore tries to control them.
Uses threats, intimidation, aggression, and force to this end.
Always wants to be in a dominant position, and takes sadistic pleasure in hurting others.
Punitive Parent
Is aggressive, intolerant, impatient, and unforgiving toward self.
Is always self-critical and feels guilty.
Is ashamed of mistakes and believes in severe punishment severely for them.
Relates to perception of what parents or other educators said in order to belittle or punish.
Demanding Parent
Feels that must fulfil rigid rules, norms, and values.
Demands extreme efficiency in meeting these phenomena.
Believes that performance is never good enough and admonishes to strive harder.
Pursues highest standard until it is perfect, at the expense of rest and pleasure.
Never satisfied with the result. Relates to rules and norms set by parents or other authority figures
Healthy Adult
Has positive and neutral thoughts and feelings about self. Does things that are good for self and this leads to healthy relationships and activities.
The Healthy Adult mode is adaptive.
Angry Protector
Uses a wall of anger to protect self against others, considered to be a threat.
Keeps others at a safe distance with great displays of rage.
However, anger is more under control than that in the Angry or Enraged Child.
Obsessive Over-Controller
Tries to protect self against supposed or actual threats by keeping everything under extreme control.
Uses repetitions or rituals to achieve this.
Tries to protect himself against supposed or actual threats by containing others and exposing their real intentions.
Conning and Manipulative
Cheats, lies, or manipulates in order to achieve a specific aim.
The purpose of which is to victimise others or to avoid punishment.
Eliminates threats, rivals, obstacles, or enemies in a cold, ruthless, calculating way.
Tries to obtain the approval and attention of others by exaggerated behaviour, erotomania, or grandiosity.