Schedules of Reinforcement Flashcards
Schedule of Reinforcement
A rule that describes a contingency of reinforcement in which environmental arrangements determine conditions by which behaviors produce reinforcement
Fixed Ratio
The completion of a number of responses to produce a reinforcer
e.g. FR4 = every 4th correct response produces reinforcement
Postreinforcement pause
When they do nit respond for a period of time following reinforcement
Variable Ratio
The completion of a variable number of responses to produce a reinforcer
VR 10 = about every tenth correct response on average
Fixed Interval
Produces reinforcement for the first response following a fixed duration of time
FI 3 = the first response following the elapse of 3 minutes produces reinforcement
Variable Interval
Producers reinforcement for the first respond following the elapse of variable duration of time
VI 5 = Reinforcer is delivered on the average 5 minutes after a correct response
Limited Hold
added to interval schedules, when reinforcement is available for a finite time following the elapse of the FI or VI schedule
Schedule Thinning
When there is an increase in response ratio or to the duration of a time interval
Ratio Strain
Abrupt increases in ratio requirements when moving from a denser to a thinner reinforcement schedule (e.g. aggression, avoidance, and unpredictable responding)
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates
The reinforcement of responses higher than a predetermined criterion; produces high rate of responding
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates
Responses are reinforced only when they are lower than the criterion ; produces low rate of responding
Spaced Responding DRH or DRL
reinforcement is available only or responses that are separated by a given duration of time
Full Session DRH
Providers reinforcement if the total number of responses during the session meets or exceeds a number criterion
Full Session DRL
Reinforcement is given if the total number of responses are at or below the criterion
Interval DRH or DRL
Reinforcement is available only for responses that occur at a minimum or better rate of response over short durations of time during the session
Differential Reinforcement of Diminishing Rates (DRD)
provides reinforcement at the end of a predetermined time interval when the number of responses is less than a criterion that is gradually decreased across time intervals based on the individuals performance
E.g. fewer than 5 responses per 5 minutes
Progressive schedule of reinforcement
systematically thinning each successive reinforcement opportunity independent of the participants behavior
Compound Schedules of Reinforcement
include concurrent, multiple, chained, mixed, tandem, alternative, and conjunctive schedules
Concurrent Schedule of Reinforcement (Conc)
When two or more contingencies of reinforcement operate independently and simultaneously and for two or more behaviors
e.g. Making Choices among concurrently available events
Matching Law
The rate of responding typically is proportional to the rate of reinforcement received from each choice alternative; this addresses response allocation to choices available with concurrent schedules of reinforcement
Multiple Schedule (Mult)
Two or more basic schedules of reinforcement in an alternating usually random sequence
- Has a discriminated stimulus with each basic schedule
- Basic schedules occur successively and independently
Chained Schedule (Chain)
Two more basic schedule requirements that occur successively; have a SD correlated with each independent schedule;
- the basic schedule always occur in a specific order
e. g. putting on a bicycle helmet
Mixed Schedule (Mix)
Has no discriminated stimulus correlated with the independent schedules; have two or more basic schedules of reinforcement alternating in a random sequence
E.g. Mix Fr 10 FI 1 schedule: reinforcement occurs after the completion of 10 responses and sometimes occurs the first correct response after a 1 minute interval
Tandem Schedule (tand)
Has two or more basic schedule requirements that occur successively; has no discriminative stimulus (SD)
e.g. tand FR 15 FI 2; after 15 responses then the first correct response following an elapse of 2 minutes produces reinforcement
Alternative Schedule (Alt)
Provides reinforcement when the requirement of the ratio or interval schedule is met, regardless of which o the component schedules requirements is met first
e.g. alt FR 50 FI 5 ; reinforcement is delivered whenever 50 correct responses, provided the 5 minute interval has not elapsed or the first response after the elapse of 5 minutes
Conjunctive Schedule
Reinforcement is given when the completion of the response requirements for both a ratio and interval schedule of reinforcement.
E.g. conj FI 2 FR 50 ; a student behavior produces reinforcement when at least 2 minutes have elapsed and 50 responses has been made