Schedule F Flashcards
collectability of recoverables is important because
loss & LAE reserves are net of reinsurance
main purpose of Schedule F
is to derive provision for reinsurance = min reserve for uncollectible reinsurance; provision booked as a liab in BS
if insurer believes that a higher amount than what is indicated by prov
should hold add. reserve and record this add. amount on IS by reversing accounts that had been used to establish reins recoverable
prov reflects conservative nature of statutory accounting because
entire amount may ultimately be collected
data from schedule is used to populate BS
Assets: amounts recoverable from reinsurers
Liab: reins payable on paid loss, funds held by company under reins agreements, prov for reins
Sched F Part1 & security
assumed reins as of 12/31, curr year
- contains reserves for paid loss&case not IBNR
- contingent commissions: based on profit of ceded business
- security: required to protect against credit risk
Funds held/deposited with reinsured companies (portion of prem due to reinsurer is withheld), LOC (letter from bank stating it will pay if reinsurer cannot), Amounts of assets pledged or collateral held in trust
-provides info on assumed reinsurance that may be useful for reasonableness of loss & LAE reserves
Schedule Part2
prem portfolio reins effected/cancelled during curr year
- enter into portfolio reins when want to exit certain business, remove uncertainty assoc with liab off books, or obtain surplus relief via discounted prem
- reinsurer will require risk prem to assume risk
Schedule F Part3
ceded rein as of 12/31 curr year
- comprehensive listing of ceded balances by reinsurer so can assess credit risk
- protected cells listed separately; separate company with its own assets and liab but has access to parent’s capital
- column5 indicates individual contracts where over 75% prem is ceded; not common as insurer is designed to be risk bearing entity
- insurer could be acting as fronting carrier for another company in state where reinsurer is not licensed to do business
- footnotes disclose top 5 commission rates where prem > $50k; these contracts generate large amounts of surplus relief
Schedule F Part4
Aging of Ceded Reins
- groups recoverables by age overdue (1-29, 30-90, 91-120, 120+)
- age of recoverable hierarchy: terms that specify when reinsurer needs to pay, terms that specify when insurer needs to report claim, date at which amount recoverable from reinsurer > $50k and is entered into insurer’s account as paid recoverable; if dates have not been mentioned and recov < $50k then amount is currently due
- overdue % = overdue by 120+ days/payments due
Provision for Reinsurance encourages
insurers to demand prompt payment and to require LOC or other collateral from unauthorized and slow paying
Sched F Part5
Prov for Unauthorized Reins
- Unauthorized reinsurers are those that have not been authorized to write business in the jurisdiction
- provision is higher to reflect the fact that they are not regulated
- unsecured total recoverables = recoverables on paid, case, IBNR, UEPR, commission – security
- total recoverables = recoverables on paid, case, IBNR, UEPR, commission
prov = unsecured total recoverables + 20%*(paid recoverables over 90 days overdue + amounts in dispute)
Unsecured include amount in dispute
Recoverables excludes disputed
- regardless if recoverables are fully collateralized
- provision is capped at total amount recoverable
Sched F Part6
Prov for Overdue Authorized Reinsurance
prov = 20%*paid recoverables over 90 days overdue
Include disputed balances
Sched F Part7
Prov for Overdue Reinsurance
- calculates both prov for overdue authorized slow paying reinsurers and total prov for reins liability to be included in BS
- slow paying ratio = paid recoverables over 90 days overdue/(total reinsurance recoverable on paid + amounts received in past 90)
- slow paying if ratio =>20%
prov = max[20%*unsecured total recoverables, 20%*paid recoverables over 90 days overdue]
Amounts in dispute are included in both
Schedule F Part8
restatement of BS to identify net credit for Reinsurance
- indicates what that BS would look like if the insurer did not have reinsurance
- consists of: as reported (net of ceded), restatement adjustments, restated (gross)
- adjustments to assets: reinsurance recoverable on loss & LAE payment (gross amount of 0) and net amounts recoverable from reinsurers (balancing item)
- liab that are adjusted to 0: ceded reins prem payable, funds held, prov for reins
- liab that are adjusted: loss&LAE, unearned prems
- surplus not adjusted (balanced by net amount recoverable from reinsurers)
Schedule F functions
identifies portion of gross loss from assumed reins transactions, help estimate sign of assumed and ceded trans to surplus balance, allow further investigation into financial strength of insurers and reinsurers, identifies reinsurers that may need further scrutiny because slow paying or not regulated
Criticism of how Schedule F monitors solvency
prov is formulaic so ignores management input, formulas has no statistical, historical or actuarial basis, unauthorized reinsurance may provide higher quality protection and/or lower prices, prov may limit amount of competition in US due to penalty assoc with unauthorized, Schedule F does not reveal anything about reinsurer’s solvency
provisions for reinsurance & GAAP
provisions for reinsurance does not impact GAAP unless reinsurance receivables are considered uncollectible
what is the balancing item for part 8 of schedule F
net amounts recoverable from reinsurers