Schedule 2 - Definitions Flashcards
- a boundary is accepted if the boundary is adopted without having to comply with an accuracy standard
Affected boundary (2)
- a boundary where ground movement distorted the land in excess of the relevant accuracy tolerances
- a boundary that has not been subsequently defined by survey and recorded in an approved CSD
Approved CSD (2)
- means a CSD determined by the chief executive to comply with these rules
- includes a CSD approved under former acts and regulations
Balance parcel & types of balance parcels (5)
- the portion of a primary parcel that is intended to remain after a part has been removed by survey
- types of balance parcels:
- railway parcel that s not in a record of title
- road parcel
- fixed marginal strip parcel
- bed of a lake, river, stream, or the sea
- accessway or service lane not on a record of title
Boundary mark
- a cadastral survey mark positioned at a boundary point
Boundary point
- a point on a parcel boundary, whether marked or unmarked
Cadastral survey dataset
- the set of cadastral survey data necessary to integrate a cadastral survey into the cadastre
Cadastral survey network mark
- a survey mark is suitable for use as a cadastral survey network mark if it has been assigned a NZGD2000 coordinate with a Landonline order 6 or better.
- all the cadastral survey data held by or for the Crown and Crown agencies
Canterbury earthquake movement
- the movement of land as defined by section 8(2) of the Canterbury Property Boundaries and Related Matters Act 2016
Centre-line easement
- an easement that is spatially represented by 1 or more lines along its centre
Chief executive
- the chief executive of the department of State (Land Information New Zealand) that, with the authority of the Prime Minister, is responsible for the administration of this Act (Cadastral Survey Act 2002)
Common marine and coastal area
- the marine and coastal area other than:
(a) specified freehold land located in that area; and
(b) any area that is owned by the Crown and has the status of any of the following kinds:
(i) a conservation area
(ii) a national park
(iii) a reserve
(c) the bed of Te Whaanga Lagoon in the Chatham Islands
Conflict (2)
- there is a difference that exceeds the applicable accuracy standards
- the difference has not been resolved by 1 or more approved CSDs
Cross lease
- a lease of any building on/to be erected on any land that is
1. granted by the owner of the land; and
2. is held by a person who has an estate or interest in an undivided share of the land
- Cadastral Survey Dataset
CSD number
- CSD type and identifier
- deposited with the registrar under the Land Transfer Act 2017
Disturbed survey mark
- an old survey mark that is in a different position from where it was originally placed, but does not include a change of position due to earthquake movement
Esplanade strip
- a strip of land created by the registration of an instrument for the purpose of the protection of conservation values, enable public access, or to enable public recreational use along any sea, river or lake
Estate boundary
the boundary of an estate recorded in a land tenure system
Extinguished (in relation to an existing parcel)
- intended to no longer be available for the assignment of rights
Fixed marginal strip
- every strip of land of any width that was reserved from sale or other disposition on any crown land under this act or any other act shall be deemed to be reserved to the crown as a marginal strip of the same width
Hawkes Bay Interim Title
- a record of title issued under section 6 or 8 of the Land Transfer (Hawke’s Bay) Act 1931
Inaccurately determined
- the relationship between the non-primary parcel boundary and the underlying parcel is not accurately defined
Maori customary land
- land that is held by maori in accordance with tikanga Maori
Maori freehold land
- the beneficial ownership of which has been determined by the Maori Land Court by freehold order
Marginal strip
- a strip of land 20m wide extending along and abutting the landward margin
- of any foreshore, bed of lake (not subject to control by artificial means), or river/stream that has an average width of 3m or more
- and deemed to be reserved from the sale or other disposition
- mean high water springs
- mean low water springs
Moveable marginal strip
- a marginal strip as defined in the Conservation Act 1987, excluding a fixed marginal strip
Non-boundary mark
- a survey mark that is not on a boundary point
Non-primary parcel & types (11)
- any parcel that is not a primary parcel
- easement, esplanade strip, access strip, covenant, lease, licence area, permit area, unit, moveable margin strip, roadway, right over common marine and coastal area
Official projection
- a projection, as defined in schedule 3, for use in a specific area
Old survey mark
- a survey mark measured on the survey that is from the nation survey control system or from an approved CSD
- an area that is a single continuous portion of land seperately identified in a CSD or in the cadastre
Parcel intent
a description of a right or an interest intended to be assigned to a parcel
e.g. fee simple title or easement
Permanent reference mark
- must be likely to remain usable and not be disturbed in the forseeable future
- be made of durable material
- set in stable material
- locaed in a suitable position
Permanent structure boundary (2)
- a boundary related to a building or recognisable physical structure that is likely to remain undisturbed for 50 years or more
- the outline of a future development unit
Primary parcel & types (7)
- any parcel that is intended to be one of the following…
- owned by the crown (except movable maginal strip)
- held in fee simple
- maori freehold or customary land
- part of the common marine and coastal area
- bed of a lake or river
- road or railway parcel
- vested in local authority
Reinstated survey mark
- a new survey mark that has been placed in the position of an old survey mark which has not been found
- a new survey mark which has been placed in the position of an old survey mark which has been found
Residue parcel
- the residual portion of a primary parcel that remains as a result of a survey for removal of limitations as to parcel, for an adverse posession claim, or to change the registration of land from the Deeds Registration Act 1908 to the Land Transfer Act 2017.
Survey mark
- a cadastral survey mark or a mark used for a national survey control system
Underlying parcel
- the parcel whose interests are or will be directly affected or encumbered by a non-primary parcel
- bearing and distance between 2 points
Vertical control mark
- survey mark which has been assigned a height in terms of an official vertical datum with a Landonline order 3V or better